Astrogram Transit Reports
"To everything there is a season... and a time for every purpose under heaven"
-- Ecclesiastes

The Astrogram Daily Transit Reports are analyses of future trends. Applying the positions of the transiting planets to your natal chart, this forecast can accurately predict the influences they have on a day-to-day basis.

These charts are a written forecast, highlighting major astrological events that are in store for you.

The transit reports are available in two forms. The first is an outer planet report (Transit A) which gives an overview of the coming year.

The second report uses (Transit B) the personal planets to provide three-month, six-month and 12-month forecasts. This report details the coming transits for each day of the chosen time period. Just as weathermen, economists and stock brokers predict what's ahead, so too your transit report can reveal what's coming up (although you, of course, are always in control of your response to your destiny)! If you see it's going to rain you can choose to stay home, carry an umbrella or wear a London Fog.

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