The Lovers Report
"love is most mad and moonly" -- e. e. cummings

Were you and your sweetheart destined to find each other? Discover all the revealing details of your relationship with our personalized Compatibility Report from Astrogram. An interpreted astrological report based on the precise calculations of you and your loved one's birthday. Using the exact dates, times and places of your births, a star map is computed and an informative compatibility profile is created. Each report averages 12 pages about you and your someone special.

Our popular lovers report is divided into three chapters. The first chapter compares your basic temperaments and life styles that affect your ability to harmonize with each other. The second chapter deals with the major themes in the relationship that brought you together. The third chapter addresses other themes in your romantic relationship. As one happy client quipped "This is better than therapy!"

Whether you're analyzing a present, past or potential relationship, The Lovers Report makes a unique engagement, wedding or anniversary gift! Although we always prefer to have the exact times for both people, this report is valuable even when only the birthdate, year and place of birth are available.

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