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NewsScope for April 1, 2002
By WolfStar

The Middle East: Martyrs versus Tanks

Across the global village world leaders expressed their concern over the tempest brewing in the Middle East, with last week's startling developments threatening to undermine the entire region. In rapid succession, a horrific suicide-bombing incident was followed by an historic Arab League agreement to negotiate with Israel, only to be overshadowed by Israel's siege of Arafat's headquarters.

From an astrological perspective these events were anticipated in NewsScope five weeks ago (February 25) due to the major transits hitting Israel's national horoscope (May 14, 1948; 4:37 pm; Tel Aviv). Transiting Uranus is now one degree away (and getting closer) from forming an exact opposition to Israel's prominent Mars, highlighting the volatile nature of the current military occupation.

Israel's interaction with its neighbors and the Palestinians has often in the past exploded into war during hard Saturn-Pluto aspects. The prospects now look extremely dangerous since Saturn and Pluto will oppose each other in May at the same time that transiting Uranus opposes Israel's Mars. This double influence guarantees that the next few months will only get worse.

The UN Security Council, many European leaders, Russia and the Arab League are converging their interests to resolve the situation. So far, only warnings can be issued. As Saturn and Pluto edge toward their third and final opposition, due on May 25, the intense agitation in the Middle East may lead to outside intervention. As often occurs under the rays of Saturn and Pluto, extreme times call for extreme measures.

Pope John Paul II Weakens

Amid growing concern over the sexual scandal plaguing the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II has suddenly showed signs of physically weakening. His health has deteriorated in recent years following hip-replacement surgery in 1994, and the worsening of his tremors due to Parkinson's Disease.

Pope John Paul II was born a traditional Taurus (May 18, 1920; 5:00 pm; Wadowice, Poland*). With Libra Rising, Venus becomes the ruler of his horoscope. Venus is dignified by being in Taurus, and describes the Pope as a peace-maker. Venus is conjunct the South Lunar Node and for the non-Catholic esoterics who believe in reincarnation, this placement indicates that he carries this dignity from past lives.

A highly religious Jupiter-Neptune conjunction highlights his professional life by being found in the tenth house of career. In the dramatic, showy sign of Leo, this combination is a perfect fit for the ornate vestments and rituals associated with being Pope. This year transiting Neptune opposes his Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, ushering in much doubt about his professional status.

Neptune corresponds to the introduction of a major scandal as well as his weakening physical condition. Last week for the first time in his 23-year papacy he gave up his place at the altar for Palm Sunday Mass. The Pope's health is a major consideration since natally his Chiron is in the sixth house of health and adversely squaring Pluto. On April 17 transiting Chiron turns retrograde while exactly squaring his natal Chiron. This date marks a critical week for his health, and quite possibly a turn for the worse.

Ford and Flockhart Get Serious

Following on his brief affair with Minnie Driver, Harrison Ford is now strolling hand-in-hand with Ally McBeal star Calista Flockhart. Hollywood's latest power couple has some favorable planetary support, as well as some dynamic challenges to keep the juices flowing.

Ford (July 13, 1942; 11:41 am; Chicago) has his love planet Venus in restless, charming Gemini. The ongoing Saturn-Pluto opposition has been restructuring his love life over the last year, tearing down a long marriage, and now being re-created with a new partner. Transiting Saturn will be conjunct his Venus on June 10 by which time these two will understand if they're mate material.

Calista Flockhart (November 11, 1964; 9:06 am; Freeport, IL) has a similar challenge shaping up, since her Sagittarius Ascendant is in the same degree zone as transiting Saturn and Pluto. When Saturn and Pluto form their third and final opposition, they align precisely on her Ascendant, a major life challenge for anyone. For Flockhart her enduring free-spirited Sagittarian image is being challenged by the possibility of a fascinating partnership.

One thing's for sure, these two have plenty to talk about. Her Mercury-Mars square is highly opinionated and vocal, and occasionally abrupt and critical. His Uranus falls right in line with her Mercury-Mars, exciting it and perhaps provoking it. However his Pluto is exactly trine her Mercury, giving him insights and control over her excesses. Since he's currently experiencing a Jupiter Return in his public tenth house, he's feeling like showing his love to the world.

* The Pope has variously stated his birth time as 5 pm, 6 pm, and between 5 and 6 pm.

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