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NewsScope for March 25, 2002
By WolfStar

The Education of George Bush

Last week Vice President Dick Cheney completed his tour of the Middle East seeking cooperation from Arab leaders for a U.S.-led invasion into Iraq. Cheney received zero support, and he concluded that "The ongoing conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians is a preoccupation for everyone in this part of the world."

Commander-in-Chief George Bush has just come through a flurry of astrological activations of his Mars, the war planet. Surrounded by his father's advisers, Bush seemed obsessed with going to Baghdad to get Saddam, and this determination reached a climax on March 17 as transiting Saturn squared his natal Mars. After that point he must have realized that at least temporarily he needed to address the Middle East crisis, and sent General Anthony Zinni to encourage new peace talks.

Bush spent several days in Monterrey, Mexico attending a U.N. development conference where he proposed giving $10 billion in grants to third world countries. The move represents a significant shift in attitude away from military goals to easing the social conditions that breed terrorism. The astrological connection may be seen in Neptune's emerging strength as the Mars vibrations passed their climax.

Transiting Neptune is in Bush's seventh house of partners, and nearing his Ceres. Ceres, the feminine, care-taking asteroid, is easily a representative of his wife Laura. Laura Bush (November 4, 1946) is experiencing transiting Saturn trine her Neptune, allowing her empathetic side (Neptune) a practical outlet (Saturn). This probably couldn't happen until the more martial energies were on their way out.

Catholic Church in Upheaval

Pope John Paul II broke his silence last week about the sexual abuse revelations hitting the Catholic Church. In his annual message to priests around the world he said the scandal was a manifestation of supernatural evil. The lurid affair first became headline news in January when transiting Neptune (scandal) was squaring the U.S. Scorpio Rising Ascendant, and arrived at the same time as the Enron scandal.

The Scorpio Ascendant's dark side is associated with greed and predatory sex. But the problem of pedophilia among the priesthood has grown into a global headache, and so a look into the Catholic Church horoscope (see last week's NewsScope) remains the best lens to view the developments. The Nicene Creed (June 19, 325 AD) became the legalization of the Catholic Church, and therefore its foundation horoscope.

A rare triple conjunction of outer planets (Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto) in organizational Aquarius set the stage for the creation of this powerful institution. Neptune in Scorpio squares the Aquarius placements, adding a spiritual or secretive vibe to the chart. Before the Council of Nicene, the last time Uranus and Pluto were conjunct in Aquarius was in 72 AD during the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, which led to the Jewish Diaspora.

From this we can see that outer planet combinations in Aquarius motivate epochal changes in the social order. As transiting Uranus and Neptune are in Aquarius now, they are forming upsetting links to the Catholic Church chart. Transiting Neptune squaring the Catholic Neptune, and transit Uranus conjunct the Catholic Pluto are just beginning to take their toll.

John Nash's Beautiful Mind

In 1948 when John Nash applied for graduate school at Princeton, his old professor wrote only one line on his letter of recommendation: "This man is a genius." Since then, Nash made major advances in modern mathematics with his work in game theory, developed paranoid schizophrenia, cured himself, and won the Nobel Prize in 1994.

John Nash was born an intellectual Gemini (June 13, 1928; 7:00 am; Bluefield, WV*) with a courageous Moon-Mars conjunction in fiery Aries. This Moon-Mars blend is part of a lucky, protective Grand Trine which includes Saturn in Sagittarius, and Neptune in Leo. A Fire Grand Trine like this bestows a never-ending fountain of creativity and inspiration.

Nash's Grand Trine is modified by a powerful Mercury-Pluto conjunction on the Cancer Ascendant. Mercury, the ruler of the mental functions, and Pluto, associated with psychological depth and passion, is a powerful, double-edged sword. Mercury-Pluto people are capable of immense mental focus for solving life's greatest mysteries. This same combination can also obsess over details, and lose perspective of reality.

Nash's Sun is opposed by the taskmaster Saturn, giving great ambition to make a name for himself while overcoming life's many obstacles along the way. This Sun-Saturn polarity is found in the 6th and 12th houses of physical and mental health. Currently, as transiting Saturn and Pluto oppose each other, they are also aligning with Nash's Sun-Saturn. His compelling story is now being celebrated in A Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard and starring Russell Crowe.

* Data is rated AA according to DataNews issue #94

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