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NewsScope for March 18, 2002
By WolfStar

Arthur Andersen Indicted

The besieged accounting firm Arthur Andersen was indicted last week on a single count of obstruction of justice for shredding truckloads of Enron-related documents. From an astrological perspective, the indictment arrived as transiting Jupiter made an exact (to-the-minute) return to the U.S. natal Jupiter.

Jupiter is often associated with wealthy corporations and some astrological traditions also connect it with justice. Andersen, struggling to survive, is one of the top five accounting firms, and provides service to 2300 clients, or 20 percent of the nation's publicly traded companies. Jupiter turned direct on March 1, very near the U.S. Jupiter, but still applying to the conjunction.

NewsScope readers will recall that at the time Jupiter turned direct the economy was suddenly looking brighter, and indeed Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan declared an end to the recession a week later. Now that Jupiter is slowly inching forward, it's running into an obstacle, namely, Chiron. Investors are backing off and the economic rebound is looking dimmer as transiting Jupiter and Chiron are approaching an opposition, which will be exact on April 18.

Another major indicator in this affair is the asteroid Pallas Athena. Pallas is often depicted as the blindfolded Goddess holding up the scales of justice. Transiting Uranus was exactly conjunct the U.S. Pallas as the Justice Department* issued the indictment. Although the maximum legal penalty faced by Arthur Andersen is a $500,000 fine, because of the long-term Saturn-Pluto opposition, the more likely outcome is a major corporate restructuring accompanied by a traumatized business climate.

Saturn and the Predator Priests

In the summer of 325 AD the Emperor Constantine assembled the leading religious authorities from across the empire to negotiate an end to their various disputes. At this two-month long gathering conferees decided that Jesus was God and not a mortal prophet. Each member took an oath declaring this belief, and the oath, known as the Nicene Creed, became the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Creed was formulated on June 19, 325 (Iznik, Turkey; set for noon**), and a horoscope calculated for this momentous event has relevance for today's Catholics. The Sun conjunct Saturn reflects the patriarchal nature of the Catholic Church, and is given earthly power by being exactly trine Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto here can be seen as the Emperor's blessing, and from this point on in history the Catholic Church worked harmoniously with ruling governments.

Most relevant to the ongoing pedophilia scandal rocking the modern Church is the placement of Mars, which is located in service-oriented Virgo. Mars also symbolizes the natural sex drive in humans, and in this chart is repressed by a square to the Sun-Saturn conjunction. This Mars symbolizes the male priesthood in service to the Church authority.

Among the new rules established at the Council of Nicea was "All members of the clergy are forbidden to dwell with any woman, except a mother, sister, or aunt." Last week as transiting Uranus was conjunct the Roman Catholic Pluto, a revolution in the Church's power base began to unfold. An extraordinary editorial in the Boston archdiocese newspaper said it's time to question the requirement that priests be celibate.

Rosie O'Donnell, the Inner Warrior Comes Out

Publicly discussing her homosexuality for the first time last week in a Diane Sawyer TV interview, talk show host Rosie O'Donnell explained that her experience as a gay parent proves that the State of Florida is wrong about banning gay parent adoptions. "I don't think America knows what a gay parent looks like," said O'Donnell, the mother of three adopted children. "I am the gay parent."

Rosie O'Donnell was born a pioneering Aries (March 22, 1962; Commack, NY; time unknown) with her Moon in sweet and charming Libra. Mars, the ruler of her Sun sign, opposes Pluto, a powerful combination carrying the warrior's intensity to be victorious over rivals. This dynamic was problematic because the Libra Moon needs to get along with others. Something had to give, and for Rosie and many women, the warrior side was denied.

Last summer as transiting Saturn was squaring her Mars-Pluto axis, O'Donnell revealed that she's been depressed since she was a child. Saturn here was forcing her to deal with this side of her personality, her repressed inner warrior. "I am one of the haunted," she wrote of her depression. Now transiting Saturn is once again forming a square to her Mars-Pluto, and once again she's revealing herself.

At the same time, she's experiencing what every 40-year old feels, the desire to be free of all restraints, a mid-life crisis brought about by transiting Uranus opposing it's natal position. And finally, Rosie is taking on a powerful enemy (the state of Florida), and she may very well become victorious in helping to change the gay adoption laws.

* The head of the Justice Department, Attorney General John Ashcroft, has his natal Pallas conjunct the U.S. Pallas. Former Attorney General Janet Reno has her Sun exactly trine Pallas, and her Jupiter conjunct the U.S. Pallas.

** For the official Catholic version of these events, see The interested researcher is encouraged to read more:

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