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NewsScope for January 28, 2002
By WolfStar

Enron Scandal Leads to Restructuring

As the Enron scandal grows, every day a new revelation points to a crying need for systemic reform. Enron's influence over politicians has boosted Campaign Finance Reform. Arthur Anderson's "creative" accounting and shredding of documents has inspired a drive to separate accounting and consultation functions. Enron paying zero corporate taxes reflects on the shady offshore tax haven laws.

Astrologically, the breadth and scope of this scandal can be seen in Neptune's current prominence in the U.S. horoscope as described in NewsScope two weeks ago. Last Friday's apparent suicide of Enron executive Clifford Baxter arrived as the slower moving Neptune was joined by the swifter transits of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, creating a stellium of planets squaring the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant.

Enron CEO Kenneth Lay* quit his post last week so he could defend himself against the many lawsuits and congressional hearings as his inner warrior (Mars) was energized by a trine from transiting Uranus. Simultaneously, transiting Neptune (the developing scandal) was opposing his Chiron in Leo, reflecting his wounded pride.

The long-term Saturn-Pluto opposition is nearing its third and final aspect on May 25. The natural process associated with this combination is decay and destruction followed by reforms and renovation. The keyword here is "restructure," and since Saturn and Pluto are in the U.S. second and eighth houses of corporate finances, this is the area where we can expect the reforms to take place. The eighth house meanings include accounting practices, 401(k) pensions, and capitalism itself.

Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force

Will President Bush be tainted by the Enron scandal? At the moment only Vice President Cheney is in hot water over his refusal to release the names of the oil and gas executives he interviewed while forming the national energy policy. Enron contributed $millions to support the Bush-Cheney ticket in the 2000 election.

Dick Cheney's horoscope (January 30, 1941; 7:30 pm; Lincoln, NE) shows how his Enron connection will likely escalate in seriousness over the coming months. The same planetary culprits hitting the U.S. horoscope are making precise hits in Cheney's chart. The leading edge is transiting Neptune, which is now squaring his Saturn and approaching a conjunction with his Sun.

Last week as the stellium of planets formed around Neptune in Aquarius, the General Accounting Office signaled it was ready to go to court to get Cheney to release the names of the oil executives. Cheney's Sun in Aquarius puts a premium on principles, and so he defends the administration's right to keep the names secret. Also, his Aquarius Sun square Saturn in Taurus takes place in fixed signs, and is virtually immovable.

Over the next two months transiting Pluto is nearing an exact conjunction with Cheney's Mars. This combination means a big fight, a power struggle, and we can be sure that the Vice President will not back down until Pluto turns retrograde on March 20. Then transiting Neptune will be conjunct his Sun on April 17 by which time the fight will be out of him, and astrologers can worry about his health.

Yves Saint Laurent, The Struggle for Elegance and Beauty

Yves Saint Laurent stunned the fashion world on January 7 when he announced his retirement, setting off a huge debate over the future of haute couture. Last Tuesday a lucky 2000 of the most famous and fashionable attended his farewell show in Paris, and he explained his departure as disgust over an industry ruled by commerce rather than artistic motives.

Yves Saint Lauren was born with his Sun in regal Leo (August 1, 1936; 7:45 pm; Oran, Algeria), a position modified by a sharp square to eccentric Uranus. Venus, as the natural ruler of beauty and fashion, is well-placed in Leo by being conjunct Mercury (adding idealism and style) and favorably trine the beneficent Jupiter in the tenth house of career. Venus here describes the zesty, proud, extravagant woman who likes to be put on display, pampered, and admired.

Saint Laurent's Capricorn Moon sits on the cusp of his twelfth house and is oppressed by the opposition to a Mars-Pluto conjunction. While the Mars-Pluto influence fuels a powerful drive to succeed, this Moon can lead to severe loneliness and depression, and feeling just the dark side of life, even as his radiant Leo planets bring glory and praise.

Transiting Uranus was exactly on his Aquarian Ascendant as he made his surprising exit. His Leo Sun needs to create and shine, but his Capricorn Moon saw "a world of disorder and decadence." Le Monde devoted an eight-page supplement to him last week where he said, "This struggle for elegance and beauty has caused me much distress."

* Born on April 15, 1942. See NewsScope December 4, 2001 for more details.

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