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NewsScope for December 31, 2001
By WolfStar

Vajpayee Mobilizes for War

India's Prime Minister Vajpayee shunned several peace offerings from Pakistan's President Musharraf over the last few days, saying that Pakistan has not done enough to stop cross-border terrorism. Among other preparations for war, Indian officials began wrapping the Taj Mahal in camouflage khaki, a sure sign that the ongoing military build-up is deadly serious.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee was born with his Sun in the administrative sign of Capricorn (December 25, 1924; 5:45 am; Gwalior, India*) and favored for success with the conjunction to beneficial Jupiter. His 50 years of government service attests to the power of this natal conjunction. Then, his Sun-Jupiter squares Mars in the fourth house of domestic affairs. Mars here is boldly and stridently attuned to protecting Indian culture and national territory.

Sun-Jupiter-Mars can also be dangerously reckless, and an adventurer in military affairs. This key planetary combination describes the personality trait that led the Prime Minister into developing nuclear weapons and resolutely challenging Pakistan. At the moment transiting Chiron is conjunct his Sun, so that he absorbs the national feeling of being wounded, and wanting to do something grand to atone for the sense of injustice.

The current state of high alert can easily be seen in this horoscope since he has his Sagittarian Moon and Ascendant perfectly in line with the transiting Saturn-Pluto opposition. Also, Vajpayee's Moon squares Uranus, making him an unpredictable wildcard in international affairs. Over the next two months transiting Pluto will be conjunct his Moon, and then square his Uranus, compelling him to take radical action before elections in February.

Russia Becomes #2 Global Exporter of Oil

November's historic summit between President Bush and Russian President Putin paved the way for a major geopolitical realignment between the former cold war enemies. While the media focused on Russia's support for terrorism and the disagreement over the National Missile Defense program, the hidden agenda may well have been about oil.

Neptune, as the natural ruler of oil, was all over the place then. In Putin's chart (set for October 7, 1952; 9:30 am; Petrograd), transiting Uranus was trine his Neptune, located in his twelfth house of secret deals. Bush had transiting Neptune near his seventh house cusp of partners, and trine his natal Neptune.

Now, as Neptune moves by transit into key degree zones of their respective country's national charts, it's becoming apparent what Bush and Putin discussed regarding global oil strategies. Putin is presenting Russian oil as an alternative source of energy to the unstable Middle East. Last week OPEC (led by Saudi Arabia) attempted to shore up the falling price of oil by cutting production, but Russia is keeping its oil spigots open, and the price down.

Besides bolstering the U.S. economy, the oil alliance between Bush and Putin may play a pivotal role in Iraq. If Bush decides to invade Iraq, it may induce Russian acquiescence by giving the Russian oil barons a stake in the Iraqi oil fields. Transiting Neptune is nearing a square with the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, and will be exact in January when this scenario will likely be debated within the Bush cabinet.

Richard Reid, Shoe Bomber

A stewardess on the December 22 Paris-to-Miami flight smelled a burning match and noticed the man seated in row 29 was trying to light a wire protruding from his shoe. Others quickly joined in subduing the passenger, and later investigators discovered his shoes contained a plastic explosive device capable of downing the Boeing 767 jet with its 187 passengers and 14 crew members.

According to French border police, the would-be terrorist Richard Reid was born on August 12, 1973** in Sri Lanka. Like the American Taliban John Walker, Reid has his Leo Sun energized by transiting Uranus over the past year, putting any natal anarchist or antisocial tendencies into action. Resonating with the outer planet theme of our times (Saturn opposite Pluto), Reid was also born with a sharp square between Saturn and Pluto, giving an instinctive feel for chaos and destruction.

Natally, Reid's Mercury squares Mars which frequently confers a feisty, confrontational temperament. Then, the opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius is readily shaped by religious or philosophic systems, but untempered by critical thinking. Mercury also squares the asteroid Pallas, which according to astrologer Demetra George, can block one's ability to reason, create, and verbally express one's ideas.

In short, this man's thinking process is dysfunctional, while his Mars wants and easily takes direct action by being at the center of a fateful yod with Neptune and Pluto. Reid probably began planning his terrorist act around the time of the Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse, which took place right on his Saturn. On December 22 the Sun and Chiron were conjunct each other and triggering that eclipse point. Reid was prepared to destroy himself and finally do something really big with his Leo life.

* Birth data according to Vedic astrologer KN Rao in Journal of Astrology. See

** See

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