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NewsScope for December 10, 2001
By WolfStar

War on Terrorism Shifts to the Middle East

As the military endgame in Afghanistan played itself out in the Taliban's last stronghold last week, the war on terrorism shifted to the Middle East following a wave of suicide bombings in Israel. From an astrological perspective several major indicators point to an escalating crisis atmosphere in the Middle East with tremendous explosive potential.

Israel's national horoscope (May 14, 1948; 4:37 pm; Tel Aviv) reflects the tangible atmospheric hostility that frequently erupts in war, terrorist acts, and internal squabbles. The main configuration showing this chronic situation is the Taurus Sun opposite Chiron, with both of them squaring Mars and Saturn in the commanding tenth house.

The Sun opposite Chiron gives a sense of national woundedness, and according to the symbolism of Chiron, a pervasive feeling of being an outsider, alone in the world and against unbearable injustices. This polarity is further challenged by violent or militant Mars, which adds the war and terrorist elements to the national drama. At the time of the first suicide bombing on December 1, transiting Mars and Uranus had entered this T-Square configuration, with Uranus exactly squaring natal Chiron.

Over the next two months Israel's chart comes under growing pressure to resolve the terrorist situation by using military force. Transiting Uranus goes on to square Israel's Sun by January 24, and on January 28 Israel's progressed Mars squares natal Uranus. This represents a background vibration of extreme violence, to be activated by the faster moving planets anytime between now and the end of January.

Sharon Ready for the Final Solution

In reprisal for the Hamas suicide bombings in Jerusalem last week, Israeli helicopters fired rockets into the building next to Arafat's headquarters while he was there, putting immediate threats to his physical security. Explaining the air strikes on national television, Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared war on terrorism, and emphasized that "Arafat is responsible for everything that is happening here."

Ariel Sharon is in a fighting mood since he is a Pisces (February 27, 1928; 7:30 am; Yehud, Israel) and Mars entered Pisces last weekend. The natural conflict between Sharon and Yassir Arafat (August 27, 1929; 2:00 am*; Cairo) is highlighted by their Suns opposite each other. As Mars is conjunct Sharon's Sun, it's opposing Arafat's Sun, exposing him to attack from enemies.

Both men have their Moon in stubborn Taurus, and both have their Saturn in morally righteous Sagittarius. From a psychotherapeutic perspective, they're perfect mirrors for each other. In this case much of western civilization has a psychic, emotional investment in Israeli democracy and cultural values, while Islamic peoples across the Middle East empathize with the economic and national oppression afflicting the Palestinians.

For political reasons Sharon has refrained from getting rid of Arafat as a solution to the terrorism problem. All that may be changing now due to a powerful, double whammy activation of Sharon's Mars** over the next month. With the simultaneous red alert message coming from Israel's national chart, we can be sure that the desperate Israeli-Palestinian conflict is rapidly approaching a major turning point. And it doesn't look good.

Dave Matthews, The Synergy of World Music

The Dave Matthews Band picked up top honors at last week's 2001 My VH1 Awards, taking awards for Best Album of the year, Best Group, and Best Song of the Year. The jazz group was also the top grossing tour group last year, becoming the most popular road act accompanied by relentlessly enthusiastic traveling fans since the Grateful Dead.

Dave Matthews was born a constructive Capricorn (January 9, 1967; Johannesburg, South Africa; time unknown), and built his jazz ensemble ten years ago to record a few of his songs. Born during the shape-shifting, outer planet opposition between Saturn-Chiron and Uranus-Pluto, Matthews has managed to make productive use of this difficult generational configuration since his Sun forms harmonious aspects to both sides from its Capricorn position.

The synergistic combination of talents first came together on May 11, 1991 when the DMB played for a private gig. At the time, transiting Neptune was conjunct his Sun, allowing for a merging of musical vibrations beyond individual egos. Transiting Uranus was also in Capricorn and conjunct his Mercury, creating a captivating spontaneity and musical wizardry that spawned an enduring cult following.

The DMB released its first album on November 9, 1993 - a live recording from the Muse Music Club in Nantucket Island. Uranus and Neptune were just forming their conjunction in Capricorn, another historic outer planet alignment that happened to be right on his Sun. Matthews has excelled at bridging differences, blending egos, and expressing diverse, eclectic world music, reflecting how opposites can be reconciled. From his unique perspective, beautiful music is built on opposing points of view.

* Arafat's birth time is rated DD for dirt data. However, if it is correct, then his progressed Mars is now opposite his Moon and transiting Uranus is squaring his Moon, reflecting the heightened tension present in both Sharon's and Israel's horoscopes.

** Sharon's progressed Moon is conjunct his Mars on January 10, and his

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