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NewsScope for October 1, 2001
By WolfStar

Special Forces in Afghanistan

Special armed forces, a combination of British SAS and American secret military commandos, are now in Afghanistan in hot pursuit of Osama Bin Laden and his network of terrorist cells, President Bush said last Friday. This new kind of war, the president hinted, will involve special operation units rather than conventional troop deployments.

The astrological factors behind the likelihood that President Bush would become militarily involved in Afghanistan were first described in NewsScope seven months ago (see March 5, 2001). Over the next few days Mars and Jupiter are opposing each other (exact on October 3), and these two planets when combined frequently lead to dramatic action.

The regional Islamic clergy chose Mullah Mohammad Omar to be the Taliban's supreme military commander on April 3, 1996, and a chart for this date (set for noon, Kabul) can be used to describe the current regime that is harboring Bin Laden. The Mars-Jupiter opposition forms a tense T-square with the Taliban's Aries Sun. This should bring divisive conflict within the Taliban, or direct attack from enemies.

The ultra secret Delta Force military team was created on November 19, 1977 (set for noon, Ft. Bragg, NC) as a special unit to combat terrorism and rescue hostages. This horoscope features a courageous, can-do Mars in Leo squaring Uranus, a combination that hungers for dangerous assignments. The impending Mars-Jupiter opposition hits the Delta Force Mars-Uranus square, indicating some bold action is in the game plan.

The Future of Afghanistan

Afghanistan is now verging on one of the worst humanitarian crises in history with perhaps 5 million refugees facing starvation and disease. As the Taliban government loses control of the country, the United Nations, the U.S., and other interests are already at work in creating a post-Taliban reconstruction government.

Afghanistan's former king Mohammad Zahir Shah (October 15, 1914; Kabul; time unknown), now living in seclusion in an Italian villa, is rapidly becoming the first choice to lead a transitional government after the Taliban collapses. With a Libra Sun, political strategists see him as a natural mediator between Afghanistan's warring ethnic groups. His 40-year reign was characterized by diplomatic neutrality between the Soviet Union and the United States.

He also has several planets in Aquarius, including an enhancing trine to kindly, fatherly Ceres. He remains the most prominent figure in the minds and souls of the Afghan people. His Aquarian placements include a broad-minded Jupiter, now being activated by transiting Saturn and Pluto, which has led the king to call for a national assembly to decide his country's future.

With a natal Saturn-Pluto conjunction, he is well versed in the process of traumatic political endings and reconstructions. Zahir Shah was deposed in a palace coup on July 17, 1973 as transiting Pluto squared his natal Saturn-Pluto. Also at that time transiting Uranus was conjunct his Sun, a natural indicator of the sudden disruption of personal power. Now that transiting Uranus is forming a favorable trine to his Sun, he has become the right person at the right time for Afghanistan and the world.

Michael Jordan Returns

Michael Jordan, widely considered the most electrifying and popular basketball player ever, announced last week that he is coming out of retirement to play for the Washington Wizards. Jordan's comeback was treated with derision by some sports commentators who feel at 38 he's past his prime, while others say he will bring plenty of excitement (and extra cash) to the game.

Michel Jordan was born with his Sun in the team player sign of Aquarius (February 17, 1963; 10:20 am; Brooklyn, NY) but with his Mars in the superstar sign of Leo. Playing with his team didn't come quickly for the talented Jordan since he also has slow-to-learn Saturn in Aquarius as well, opposite his "me-first" Mars. When he finally did find the balance, he led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA titles.

One of the attributes that makes Jordan such an excellent player is his unpredictable moves. Uranus, the planet of sudden and unpredictable change-ups, is the ruler of his Midheaven (the career point) and is found in the fifth house of sports. Uranus is further accented by its opposition to the Sun, square to the Moon, and close inconjunction (150 degree angle) to Mercury at the Midheaven.

On October 30 Jordan plays his first game as a Wizard against the New York Knicks at Madison Square Gardens. On that day transiting Mars, the natural ruler of competitive sports, will be exactly conjunct his Mercury, activating the underlying electricity of his Mercury-Uranus combination. For a city deeply wounded by recent events, Jordan's comeback represents a heroic return to normal pleasures.

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