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NewsScope for September 24, 2001
By WolfStar

Mars Over Afghanistan

In what was widely regarded as the best speech in his life, President Bush addressed Congress and the nation last Thursday to clarify the war on terrorism. He delivered an ultimatum not heard from an American President since FDR's speech following the attack on Pearl Harbor, saying "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."

Bush's natal horoscope defines astrologically both the immediacy and long-term breadth of the campaign against terrorism, with his Mars playing the leading role. While Bush's progressed chart shows powerful activation of his Mars (progressed Mars square Sun; progressed Sun conjunct Mars) over the next three years, the projection of his Mars on a map of the world shows exactly where the action will take place.

Using the technique of AstroCartoGraphy, the astrologer sees that Bush's Mars line, not surprisingly, runs right through the heart of Afghanistan. At the moment an armada of military forces are gathering around the perimeter of Pakistan ready to pulverize the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden's cave, if they can find it. Bush's Mars line extends through Pakistan where a pro-Taliban majority threatens to seize the government (and its nuclear arsenal) away from the pro-American leader, General Musharraf.

Bush's Mercury happens to occupy the same degree as his Mars, though in a different sign. Therefore when his Mars is activated, his Mercury is also activated. The mission to Afghanistan is only the beginning, and the Mercury line shows where else the fight against terrorist cells can be expected: Bush's Mercury line runs through Jerusalem and Lebanon's notorious Bekaa Valley, the alleged training site for Hezbollah.

The Rise of Islam

Mass rallies were conducted across Pakistan last week to protest against the possible American attack on neighboring Afghanistan where Osama Bin Laden is a protected guest. Likewise in Kashmir, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and several other Islamic nations protestors gathered by the thousands to chant their unity with Afghanistan, while burning and trampling the American flag.

Muhammad's flight from Medina to Mecca in 622 AD is the traditional birth of Islam and can be used to create a relevant horoscope for current events. According to astrologer Mark Lerner's research, the chart is set for sunset on July 16 (6:45 pm; Medina, Saudi Arabia), and features the Sun in the family-values sign of Cancer in a high-powered square to willful Pluto. This aspect is reflected in the literal meaning of Islam, which is "submission to God".

Major transits to this chart closely correspond to Islam's most spectacular cultural developments. The birth of Israel displaced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, most of them Muslim, and the major conflicts between Palestinians and Israelis can be monitored using this horoscope. For example, the Intifadeh (the Palestinian Uprising) began on December 9, 1987 as Mars and Pluto were conjunct on Islam's Midheaven.

Terrorism can be tracked using the usual suspects: Mars, Uranus, and Pluto. Mars and Pluto form a sharp angle in Islam's chart, a planetary pair known for inciting violence and terror. At the moment these two are currently being activated by transiting Uranus. Uranus remains in this highly volatile degree zone for the next four months, and reaches a climactic turning point around October 30.

Pat Robertson, and the Struggle against Evil

Televangelists Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, two of the most prominent voices from the Christian Right, agreed that Americans probably got what they deserved on September 11 because God has lifted his veil of protection. The two sounded oddly similar to Islamic extremists when they blamed civil liberties groups, pagans, feminists, homosexuals, and abortion rights supporters for making God angry.

Pat Robertson was born an outspoken Aries (March 22, 1930; Lexington, VA; time unknown) with his Moon and Saturn in patriarchal Capricorn. Robertson's chart features two oppositions, and these aspects tend to work out personal conflicts by projecting unacceptable, subconscious tendencies onto others. Others in turn find an equally acceptable hook in Robertson to project their own subconscious need to experience the unwavering morality he personifies.

Astrology as a holistic map of the psyche shows how everything is connected to everything else. Robertson's natal Saturn-Pluto opposition resonates with the current Saturn-Pluto opposition, and so he is helping define the great battle of Good versus Evil. We can expect plenty of moral guidance from him over the coming year or two since the U.S. progressed Midheaven is entering Aries and conjoining his Sun.

The fundamental Judeo-Christian-Islamic worldview as derived from the apocalyptic literature of the Middle East fully expects a final, ultimate solution, and soon. Astrologers who practice holistic psychotherapy know that the true battle isn't between Us and Them, but in moving toward the recognition of the Self in the Other.

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