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NewsScope for September 10, 2001
by WolfStar

Unemployment Spikes Upward

The unemployment rate rose sharply to 4.9 percent last month, according to government figures released last Friday. The news pushed the stock markets down to test their year's lows, and threatened to undermine consumer confidence, the main engine sustaining economic growth.

The outer planets Saturn and Pluto are heading into their second opposition (exact on November 2), and set the stage for more financial stress. Saturn and Pluto are transiting through the 2nd and 8th houses* in the U.S. Scorpio Rising horoscope, and represent the lead indicators for the current economic woes. August's disappointing unemployment rate was announced on the day the Sun squared Saturn, setting off the underlying financial pressures.

Astrologically, the U.S. has some cause for short-term hope. Saturn turns retrograde on September 26 as it forms a harmonious trine to the U.S. Saturn. With transiting Saturn in the 8th house of taxes, shared assets and the budgetary process, this infers that the use of institutional funds (i.e., tapping into the Social Security surplus) will be deployed to keep the federal budget balanced, irrespective of earlier political promises to the contrary.

Also, confident Jupiter is conjunct the U.S. Sun on September 23, another favorable indicator for a temporary turn-around. Economists call the unemployment rate a lagging indicator, meaning it's the last sector to fall victim to recessionary forces. While the astrological portents provide a short-term break, this window of opportunity exists within severe longer-term planetary signals that remain bearish.

Mars and Jupiter Clash over Style

Last week a dozen prominent Republicans met at a private dinner to deliver harsh criticism of President Bush's style and strategy. They urged Bush's senior advisor Karl Rove to get the President to talk about the economy in more constructive terms than his ineffective tax rebate. And they expressed concern that Bush still did not project the image of a commanding leader.

All this is strange talk for someone undergoing a generally fortunate Jupiter transit over his Sun. George W. Bush (July 6, 1946; 7:26 am; New Haven, CT) has his Sun in virtually the same zodiacal location as the U.S. Sun, and will experience the same favorable Jupiter conjunction at the end of this month. Traditional interpretations cite this transit as being excellent, bringing plenty of opportunities, self-confidence, and success.

Last week Bush shared the spotlight with Vicente Fox, Mexico's bold and lucid President. The Bush-Fox alliance reflects an unprecedented friendship between the U.S. and Mexico, and can certainly be viewed as a positive development growing out of this Jupiter phase. However, with defiant Mars just entering serious Capricorn, and moving into an opposition with Jupiter by October 3, Bush is certain to be facing heavy political criticism.

What President Bush needs now may not be provided by Jupiter, which can promote unrealistic optimism. Painting a rosy forecast in face of a crumbling economy doesn't make sense to most observers, including top-ranking GOP members. Mars in Capricorn is cautious, business-like, and authoritative. Since Mars moves opposite Bush's Sun, his opponents may manifest the sober realism that the public expects under the current conditions.

Barry Bonds, Chasing the Home Run Record

Barry Bonds hit his 60th home run last Thursday (at 8:14 pm, San Francisco) and is on track to match Mark McGwire's major league record of 70 set three years ago. Bonds has never hit more than 49 homers in a season before this year, and at 37 is the oldest player to reach the mythic milestone first established by Babe Ruth in 1927.

Barry Bonds was born with his Sun in radiant Leo on July 24, 1964 (Riverside, CA; time unknown). Until Bonds consciously developed a more pleasant demeanor last year, he was widely criticized for his arrogance and pompous attitude, a common downfall for the royal Leo. But there can be no denying he's one of the greatest baseball players of all time.

Bonds' Mars reflects his prowess on the field. Mars is in versatile, multi-talented Gemini, and he began his athletic career as a three-sport all-star in baseball, football, and basketball. When he settled into baseball, he quickly established a reputation for base stealing, fielding, and power hitting. Mars conjunct Venus brings a love and aesthetic appreciation for the game, and the sextile to Mercury enhances hand-eye coordination.

Transiting Uranus was exactly square to Bonds' Jupiter when he connected for his 60th. Jupiter-Uranus combinations are known to bring sudden fame and good fortune. Bonds' horoscope indicates (progressed Sun conjunct Uranus**) that he will continue to electrify fans throughout September, and shows why this is a unique year for the slugger.

* see NewsScope August 20 for more on this combination.

** Ruth hit 60 when his progressed Sun was trine Uranus, and McGwire hit 70 when his progressed Sun was conjunct Mars.

Following last week's story on Ann Heche, NewsScope correspondent Romy Ransom reports that Heche's birth time from her birth certificate is 4:51 pm.

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