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NewsScope for September 3, 2001
by WolfStar

The Galactic Center Attacks Racism

The World Conference on Racism opened last Friday in Durban, South Africa surrounded by angry demonstrators and an extraordinary array of minority groups promoting their various causes. President Bush kept Secretary of State Colin Powell from attending the conference, citing anti-Israeli language in draft proposals.

The U.N sponsored event takes place under the celestial auspices of the confrontational, long-term Saturn-Pluto opposition. These two outer planets in the argumentative signs of Gemini and Sagittarius are being activated by the fast-moving Sun in analytical Virgo. Delegates from 166 governments will attempt to sort out the causes and prescribe a cure as the Sun squares Pluto and then Saturn before the Conference ends on September 7.

This year the United Nations (October 24, 1945; 4:45 pm; Washington, D.C.) is absorbing the energy from a powerful influence not often discussed in political astrology: the Galactic Center (GC). Located at the center of the Milky Way at 27 degrees Sagittarius, this point can be thought of as a kind of Mission Control for humanity. Individuals with planets aligned with the GC "hold the potential to make massive changes in the direction of human affairs."*

The U.N. progressed Sun is now perfectly aligned with the GC and being activated by transiting Mars, making the U.N. a turbulent channel for Mission Control. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (April 8, 1938) has his Chiron, the Wounded Healer, aligned with the GC. This astrological fact is evident in his recent comment that the Conference "must help heal old wounds without reopening them; it must confront the past, but most importantly it must help set a new course against racism in the future."

Israel's Troubled Homeland

Israeli helicopter gunships targeted the chief of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine last week, killing him with a single missile strike. The execution set off renewed gunfire around Jerusalem, followed by Israel's armored takeover of the Palestinian town of Beit Jala. Meanwhile, President Bush ended his month-long vacation with no plans to intervene in Middle East affairs.

Israel's stormy political atmosphere is being generated by a confluence of planetary factors, but most immediately by a high-voltage, volatile condition surrounding its natal Uranus (due to a square from progressed Mars). In Israel's natal horoscope (May 14, 1948; 4:37 pm; Tel Aviv) Uranus is opposed to Jupiter (at the GC), setting up the controversial equation that Zionism is racism.

Last Monday when the Moon and Mars were conjunct in Sagittarius, they were exactly opposite Israel's Uranus, providing the astrological trigger point for the assassination of the top-ranking Palestinian leader. The violence for the last few weeks may wane for a brief spell as transiting Mars leaves this terrorized degree zone.

Astrologers should be able to observe waves of violence when any faster moving planet hits Israel's Uranus between now and early 2002. Note that with Aquarius on its fourth house cusp, Uranus is the natural ruler for the home territory. Any challenging Mars link to Israel's Uranus (like the progressed Mars) can bring mayhem to the homeland. An exceptionally traumatic phase can be expected when transiting Chiron opposes Uranus during the first two weeks of October, especially October 8-10.

Ann Heche, "Call Me Crazy"

In an upcoming interview with Barbara Walters, Ann Heche says she was insane for 31 years. Now, at age 32 the former lover of Ellen DeGeneres has switched her sexual orientation to marry cameraman Coley Laffoon. Her autobiographical book "Call Me Crazy" is scheduled for release on September 5.

Ann Heche was born under the split-personality sign of Gemini (May 25, 1969; Aurora, OH; time unknown). The sign of the Twins is an unusually accurate archetype in Heche's life, made apparent in her first starring role as the Vicky/Marley twins in the soap "Another World." Then, since childhood Heche believed that she was two people, with her secret half named Celestia, and who spoke a different language directly to God.

As a child the Sun represents the father, and Heche's father led a double life: in the day he was a choir director in a Baptist church, and at night he frequented the gay bars. Heche reveals that the creation of Celestia was an attempt to escape the sexual abuse her father heaped upon her since she was a toddler.

Heche's Sun and Mercury are opposed to Mars, a combination that generally is extremely expressive. But with Mercury and Mars both retrograde, the mental energy is internalized, leading to deep anxiety. The turning point in her life came last August when Pluto, the planet leading to deep personal transformations, entered this Mercury-Mars axis. That was when she and DeGeneres split, and she began seeing her cameraman.

* Philip Sedgwick in The Astrology of Deep Space.

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