Past Issues

NewsScope for August 13, 2001
by WolfStar

Stem-Cell Research Ushers in Brave New World

Last Thursday President Bush announced his decision to allow limited federal funding for stem-cell research. In his speech addressing the complex science and moral issues he evoked the classic novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, a science fiction story which had also seized the original researcher who first isolated embryonic stem-cells.

The astrology of stem-cell research can be traced to the inventive, revolutionary Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of 1997 when John Gearhart had privately isolated the first embryonic stem cells at John Hopkins School of Medicine. He stunned his colleagues with his announcement at the 13th International Congress of Developmental Biology (July 5-10, 1997) as transiting Saturn was conjunct the U.S. Chiron, located in the 6th house of medicine and health.

President Bush made his announcement as the transiting Sun hit the U.S. Midheaven (according to the Scorpio Rising horoscope), reflecting the importance of the event. However, the long-term moral implications are being hashed out under the influence of the Saturn-Pluto opposition (exact a few days earlier). The ethical dilemmas go far beyond the simplistic pro-life, pro-choice debate, and were cleverly portrayed in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

Saturn and Pluto are opposite each other about every 35 years, and tend to pit powerful social forces against each other. In 1932 when Brave New World was first published Saturn was in Capricorn and opposing Pluto in Cancer. The novel portrays a utopian society that selects babies for biologically superior "Alphas" and "Betas" and inferior "Deltas," Gammas," and "Epsilons." Ongoing stem-cell research includes the potential to genetically engineer humans in the same fashion.

Clinton Signs Biggest Book Deal Ever

"President Clinton is one of the dominant figures on the global stage," said the President of Knopf Publishing last week. " He has lived an extraordinary life, and he has a great story to tell." Although precise terms weren't revealed, sources indicate that Clinton will get a record-breaking $10 million for writing his memoirs.

Jupiter rules publishing and big deals, and not surprisingly, was the major planetary player in last Monday's announcement. In the U.S. horoscope transiting Jupiter was returning to its natal position and accompanied by Venus and the North Node. Each of these from an astrological sense brings good fortune in the form of opportunity, recognition and wealth. The combination synergistically points to the biggest deal ever.

Bill Clinton's horoscope was likewise blessed by these three benefics as they passed over his Midheaven, the point of status and career. The book is scheduled to arrive on bookshelves in 2003 when Jupiter is in Leo, Clinton's Sun sign. Jupiter here favors Leos, and will likely make the publishers happy with sufficient sales to cover their generous investment.

Hillary Clinton's book is also scheduled to appear in 2003, making for an interesting juxtaposition of perspectives. Transiting Uranus, the divorce planet, opposes Bill's Sun as he writes over the coming year. Hillary's progressed Sun has recently opposed Uranus in her chart, so that both have essentially separated in deed if not in technical fact. Uranian influences can be brutally honest and frank.

Christopher Reeve, Stem-Cell Advocate

In 1978 actor Christopher Reeve was selected from 200 hopefuls to play Superman, and quickly became well-known for his buff physique and patrician good looks. Now he resides in a wheel chair with a broken spine, but continues to capture admirers with his courageous determination to be self-sufficient and his leadership role in advocating stem-cell research.

Christopher Reeve was born a graceful Libra (September 25, 1952; 3:12 am; New York, NY) with Pluto Rising in dramatic Leo. Libras are often endowed with a charming personality, a trait exemplified in his portrayal of Superman as Reeve balanced a bumbling humility with physical perfection and superhuman strength. Pluto on the Leo Ascendant depicts a person with a strong desire to make an impact on the world, and in this case, the determination is given an energetic boost by the trine to Mars.

On May 27, 1995 Reeve was pitched off his horse in a tragic riding accident, an event which changed his life forever. The natal potential for this transformation can be seen in his Sun square Chiron (often associated with being handicapped), and in the aspect network around his Mars. Mars is in the 5th house of sports, and is in a Yod formation with Jupiter and Uranus, a combination noted for its high-risk influence.

Mars trine Pluto on the Ascendant carries the seed for extraordinary self-regeneration. Reeve hopes that some day in the not-too-distant future stem-cell research may lead to rebuilding his broken spinal cord. Last week's announcement by President Bush occurred as transiting Pluto was exactly conjunct Reeve's Moon, giving him emotional satisfaction and renewed hope. Soon transiting Pluto will enter his Mars-Pluto trine when the real benefits could begin.

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