Past Issues

NewsScope for July 23, 2001
by WolfStar

Chaos in Genoa

The G-8 Summit in Genoa, Italy turned violent last week as a band of anarchists overwhelmed the 150,000 peaceful demonstrators by setting fires, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails, and pushing back police barricades. A protestor was shot dead by a policeman, becoming the first casualty since the growing movement against global capitalism began at Seattle's 1999 WTO conference.

The astrological impetus for these global developments can be seen in the parallel planetary developments. Last week's NewsScope featured the triggering agent: Mars turned direct in the midst of the heavy-duty Saturn-Pluto opposition. That peaceful demonstrations should be overshadowed by violent confrontations as Mars turns direct would surprise no astrologer.

Beyond the immediate spectacle of the more martial interactions, serious issues are being discussed and debated under the auspices of the Saturn-Pluto aspect which will be exact on August 5. At the center of the international controversies is the Bush Administration's foreign policy, notably the rejection of the Kyoto Treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gases, and the Missile Defense program.

Saturn opposite Pluto aspects occur every 33 years, and coincide with forceful social, political, and cultural confrontations. The 1965-66 incidence of this cycle witnessed the eruption of the Vietnam War and cultural revolutions in China, France, and the U.S. The previous cycle marked the beginning of the Great Depression in 1931, and the rise of fascism and nazism in Europe. Then as now, hard-line elements of the political structure are asserting their authority and power to manage deteriorating situations.

Argentina Challenges Global Economy

Among the pressing issues discussed by the G-8 leaders is that Argentina may default on its $128 billion debt. As the 1990s lessons of southeast Asia's collapsing currencies demonstrated, the global economy is now so interdependent that one nation's troubles can quickly sweep through neighboring economies, and across the world.

Argentina's horoscope is set for the breakdown of Spanish authority during the Napoleonic Wars, and the establishment of a patriotic junta on May 25, 1810 (Buenos Aires; noon). The Gemini Sun in this chart is accompanied by Mars, with both of these opposed to a Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Argentina's economic woes began as transiting Pluto opposed the Sun a little over three years ago.

Now transiting Saturn has entered Gemini and is about to oppose transiting Pluto. This Saturn-Pluto axis aligns perfectly with Argentina's Saturn, triggering the need for systemic restructuring. The unpopular President Fernando de la Rua has proposed severe austerity plans to get the economy back on track and secure international loans, but the planned cuts to pensions and state salaries face heavy political opposition.

Astrologers will recall that the foreboding path of total darkness during the summer solstice Solar Eclipse began in Argentina. Last week when transiting Jupiter passed over this eclipse point French President Chirac promised that the G-8 nations would take the "necessary measures" to prevent Argentina's economy from collapsing. The benefits of this favorable Jupiter astro-event brought immediate relief in Argentinean stock prices. However, the larger test remains ahead as Saturn and Pluto will continue to torment Argentina, and therefore the global economy, for another year.

Janet Jackson, All for You

Janet Jackson's 2001 All For You summer tour hit a bump last week when a tooth injury forced her to postpone the Milwaukee concert only hours before opening. The tour's original debut was also postponed following problems with the lavish equipment needed for the spectacular stage numbers. Finally, the Portland, OR show proceeded as scheduled on July 7, and with wild acclaim.

Janet Jackson was born a sensuous Taurus (May 16, 1966; Gary, IN; time unknown), with her vital forces super-charged by a conjunction between the Sun and energetic Mars, and further empowered by favorable trines to the epochal Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo. This combination gives Jackson a strong work ethic, so much so that she says, "No, there won't be any settling down. No marriage. Just work and fun??¦ That's all we have time for."

At the moment transiting Pluto is forming a perfect trine to Jackson's Venus, enhancing her sexual magnetism and popular appeal. With Venus in aggressive Aries, Jackson's stage numbers feature dramatic sexual transformations and costume changes, and range from the innocently demure to the sultry temptress to the nearly pornographic.

Jackson's tooth injury happened just as Mars turned direct and was forming a hard square to her Uranus-Pluto conjunction. Mars has been in this degree zone since the tour's shaky opening, and will remain through the end of July. The prolonged transit of Mars to her Uranus-Pluto conjunction reflects the technical wizardry behind the tour's production numbers, but also the inherent danger.

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