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NewsScope for July 16, 2001
by WolfStar

Mars Directs Military Affairs

A critical turning point in geopolitics arrives this week when Mars, the planet governing military affairs, turns direct in the sign of Sagittarius. Mars has been in apparent backward motion (a trick of celestial mechanics) for the last two months, but reverses field beginning on July 19 at 6:45 pm EDT (9:45 pm PDT).

What makes this Mars station more important than most is the proximity of the heavy-duty opposition between Saturn and Pluto. Mars turning direct in the midst of this planetary tension can act as a trigger for all the underlying conflict in the world's various hotspots. Saturn and Pluto together aim at restructuring military power, often with the most extremist elements attempting to enforce their will over perceived enemies.

The Bush Administration's National Missile Defense program is probably the most significant development being reflected by these planetary events. As forecast in NewsScope's January 1, 2001 column, last week the Defense Department indicated that it plans to violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty within months to pursue construction of the expensive, complex system. While Mars has been retrograde, the Bush Administration listened to others' opinions, but now that Mars is direct, intentions become obvious.

Parallel developments can be seen in regional conflicts around our global village. Perhaps the most troubling is the escalating violence in the Middle East where attempts to negotiate have repeatedly failed. As Mars turns direct the potential of full scale attacks increase dramatically. Over the coming week, expect an across the board flurry of angry behavior, accidents, and armed conflicts.

Condit's Shadow World

Congressman Gary Condit's routine when he met with Chandra Levy (for whatever reason) was that she come with no driver's license, wallet, or anything that would identify her. The fact that only her keys were missing from her apartment, and her wallet, credit cards, and cell phone remained behind, is in accord with this procedure.

Washington police said that Chandra's computer shows she was searching for travel accommodations on May 1 until about 1 pm. A chart drawn for this last record of her points to her state of mind at this transitional time. Incredibly, transiting Moon and Uranus are precisely opposite each other at 1 pm, and sit right on Chandra's Ascendant/Descendant axis. This time frame must have been very close to when the unexpected took over, as befits the nature of Uranus.

The Sun and the partnership asteroid Juno are conjunct the Midheaven at 1 pm, May 1. Any planet on an angle in an event chart strongly flavors the nature of the event, and in this case, an important relationship (Sun-Juno) is the decisive factor. We also can tell that Condit was physically active at this precise moment since the transiting Mars-Chiron conjunction is perfectly conjunct his Jupiter.

Another link connecting this moment between Condit and Chandra is her progressed Moon on May 1 squares her Chiron, which is in conjunction with Condit's Sun.

None of this indicates that Condit committed any crime. Since he sits in the shadowy Intelligence Committee, covert ops may have been tracking their secret liaison and intercepted Chandra at a vulnerable moment. One thing seems certain from these astro-indicators: Condit knows more than he's saying.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, Queen of the Kennedy Clan

Last week the New York Post reported that the Kennedy clan had come to an agreement with the family of Carolyn and Lauren Bessette for their deaths in the plane piloted by John Kennedy jr., ending two years of harsh negotiations. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, the legal administrator of John's estate, will pay $15 million from a portfolio estimated to be worth some $100 million.

Like her brother John, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg was born with her Sun in trendy Sagittarius (November 27, 1957; 8:15 am; New York, NY), and also like John, with the Sun square Pluto. The intensity of this Sun-Pluto combination dovetails with the real-life dramas and traumas of the Kennedy mystique, but for Caroline, with her Sun in the 12th house, privacy became an over-riding concern.

The central dynamic of this horoscope features a T-Square with Mars squaring the Moon-Uranus opposition. Transiting Uranus was exactly conjunct her Moon when John crashed on July 16, 1999. Now the settlement occurs as transiting Mars turns direct on her Saturn, with Saturn representing her role as the estate's managing authority.

Beyond the essentially private deal completed this week, the outer planet alignment between transiting Saturn and Pluto are activating Caroline's natal Saturn in a much broader sense. At the urging of her uncle, Senator Ted Kennedy, Caroline is emerging as a more public figure, and we can expect to see much more of her in the coming year.

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