Past Issues

NewsScope for July 1, 2001
by WolfStar

Milosevic to be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity

Former Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic was extradited from Belgrade last Thursday night and now awaits his first court appearance as a prisoner of the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. Resignations of former allies and small rallies in support of Milosevic have led to widespread uncertainty and civil unrest in Yugoslavia.

Astrologically, the historic development in establishing a system of global justice comes only one week after the spectacular summer solstice Solar Eclipse. The Solar Eclipse in itself often heralds the downfall of a renowned world leader, but this one, coming at the key solstice point, was foreshadowing something much bigger. A clarifying factor is Jupiter, the natural ruler of international law. Jupiter energizes the Solar Eclipse point shortly after it enters Cancer on July 13.

The War Crimes Tribunal itself was established by U.N. Resolution 827, which was passed on May 25, 1993. The horoscope for this new institution features a Gemini Sun trine Jupiter, reflecting its status in seeking fairness and justice. The square to Saturn in Pisces shows its determination to be a moral authority. Transiting Saturn's recent passage over the War Crimes Sun established the legitimacy of this international court.

Over the next year the Saturn-Pluto opposition will be restructuring key institutions across our global village. The War Crimes' Mercury and Lunar Node axis are in line with this Saturn-Pluto astro-event. Mercury, the natural ruler of information and communications, will be accumulating and disseminating mounds of documented evidence. International and national sovereignty questions hang in the balance.

Mercury Promotes Health Care

The U.S. Senate passed a landmark patients' bill of rights measure last Friday aimed at controlling rising health care costs while still providing quality medicine. The bill protects the 190 million Americans with private health insurance, and expands their ability to sue health maintenance organizations and other insurers.

This groundbreaking legislation shows a clear astrological reflection in the U.S. Scorpio Rising horoscope. The main indicator is Mercury, which turned direct last week while forming an exact conjunction with the U.S. Mars. The most obvious translation of this Mercury-to-Mars event is in military affairs, since Mars rules the military. We did see several developments along this front, including a huge budget request from the Defense Department, troop action in Macedonia, and a peace initiative by Secretary Powell in the Middle East.

An additional interpretation of Mercury turning direct on the U.S. Mars comes from the house meanings. Mars is found in the 8th house of insurance, and rules the 6th house of health, a combination symbolizing health insurance. Because Mercury was exactly conjunct Mars, the results brought clear and numerous manifestations.

Another health news story last week was Vice President Cheney's perilous heart condition. Also, a new program forces hospitals to tell patients when medical errors have been made. Recent horrifying reports estimate that 98,000 Americans per year die in hospitals due to medical errors. Until Mercury turned direct last week, no one was legally required to tell patients when mistakes have been made.

Julia Roberts, The Runaway Bride

Last Thursday the New York Post broke the story that American Sweetheart Julia Roberts and her beau Benjamin Bratt have definitively separated. Before Roberts and Bratt became an item in November 1997, she was already known for her tendency to flee from committed relationships, a role she dramatized in Runaway Bride.

Julia Roberts was born a sexy Scorpio (October 28, 1967; 12:16 am; Smyrna, GA) with her Moon in theatrical Leo. This lunar position tends to create a prima donna personality in women's charts, especially when natural acting talent is rewarded by global respect an admiration. The Leo Moon takes pride in being the best, and as the reigning queen of Hollywood, Roberts won't be fenced in by anyone.

Uranus, often referred to as the divorce planet, made its retrograde station exactly opposite Roberts' Moon when she and Bratt split a month ago. While this transit is the most telling indicator in the current situation, the underlying tendency to be a runaway bride can be found in the asteroid Vesta, which when prominent, leads the individual to an almost religious devotion to work.

Vesta has many close links to other planets in Roberts' horoscope, highlighting the prominence of this archetype. The most challenging is the square to her Venus in Virgo. Venus here is given a smoldering intensity and deep desire for passionate, close relationships. Venus says, let's make love and get married (in proper Virgo). Vesta*, in freedom-loving Sagittarius, finds escape at the last moment, riding off into the wilderness on a swift horse.

* Roberts' progressed Moon was conjunct her Vesta last week as the split was announced

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