Past Issues

NewsScope for June 11, 2001
by WolfStar

Bush's Foreign Policy Reversals

President Bush began preparing for his six-day trip to Europe last week with a stunning set of foreign policy reversals. Since entering office Bush had generally maintained distance from the world's crises, but is now engaged in diplomatic and military initiatives on several troubled fronts as well as heeding the problem of global warming.

With his Sun and Saturn in Cancer, Bush naturally favors domestic issues. However, now that transiting Saturn has entered his 11th house of friends, he has to be concerned about what the nation's allies are saying, and that hasn't been good. Mercury, the natural ruler of information and policies, turned retrograde last Monday. Simultaneously, Bush began a series of policy reversals based on new information, including White House panel report that global warming is indeed a serious problem.

Four oppositions will occur during his six-day trip (beginning with Mars opposite Jupiter and ending with Sun opposite Chiron), and he can be sure that this will lead to direct confrontations over various policies. However, transiting Saturn is in a relatively favorable position in Bush's horoscope, indicating that he can come to terms with NATO allies.

Over the coming month Saturn will advance to form a square with Bush's Mars, pushing him into his most difficult military challenges. Russia and Europe are unanimously against his missile defense system, and this adversity may cause him great personal frustration. Other military challenges may involve reversing his isolationist stance to deploy American resources in various global hotspots.

The Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse

The first day of summer arrives this year concurrent with a Solar Eclipse, marking the Sun's entrance into Cancer with a powerful astrological significance. The eclipse is exact at 7:58 am (EDT) on June 21, and according to astrological traditions will trigger dynamic geopolitical developments, especially sudden changes in status for certain world leaders and celebrities.

A main feature in the Solar Eclipse horoscope is the trine between Jupiter and Uranus. These two planets are often linked to major technological breakthroughs: watch the Science pages for breath-taking new technologies. Jupiter and Uranus are closely configured with Chiron, the natural ruler of biotechnology, so stock pickers will now find some good investments in this sector.

The path of total darkness creates a swath across our planet where the Eclipse's greatest impact over the next six months will likely be felt. This path begins near the border between Brazil and Argentina and extends across the Atlantic and over the southern half of Africa. At the moment Brazil and Argentina are experiencing crippling energy crises, which we can expect to worsen this summer. South Africa is crippled from the AIDs epidemic which will also worsen.

Individual horoscopes with planets at zero degrees Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn will be strongest hit. India and Pakistan both have their Mars aligned with the Solar Eclipse; currently they are working on a settlement over the Kashmir region, but the activation of Mars looks ominous. Hillary Clinton's Ascendant gets targeted; she may be vaulted into a prominent committee role as the Democrats take over the Senate.

Tom Hanks' Band of Brothers

Last week superstar Tom Hanks unveiled the most expensive TV miniseries ever produced, a ten-episode World War II drama called Band of Brothers*. Inspired by his award-winning role in Saving Private Ryan, the film was screened on Normandy's historic Utah Beach for the 57th anniversary of D-Day, and was viewed by 47 survivors of the 101st Airborne Division.

Tom Hanks was born a patriotic Cancer (July 9, 1956; 11:17 am; Concord, CA) with his Sun exactly trine to combat-ready Mars. While his natal horoscope reflects natural acting talent, the key to his success can be found in the numerous links between his chart and the U.S. national horoscope. These connections make Hanks a best fit for portraying various American archetypes.

Among the closest links is Hanks' ruling planet Mercury conjunct the U.S. Jupiter; which promises great recognition and success. Then, his Ascendant conjunct the U.S. Neptune makes him a perfect cinematic fit for expressing the American Dream. His Venus-Midheaven conjunct the U.S. Mars describes his ultimate mission, that of playing the American warrior/hero.

Saving Private Ryan captured a special place in American cinematography and in the hearts of veterans. It was filmed and appeared as Hanks' progressed Sun was exactly conjunct his 12th house Pluto, the planet representing this flavor of intense realism. During last week's debut of Band of Brothers transiting Jupiter was conjunct his Venus-Midheaven, allowing him to express his pride in honoring America's World War II heroes.

* This $120 million mini-series airs on HBO September 9.

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