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NewsScope for May 21, 2001
by WolfStar

The Great Debate: Energy Production vs. Environmental Protection

Five days after President Bush lifted caps on carbon dioxide emissions he announced a comprehensive national energy plan, claiming that energy production and environmental protection are compatible values. The 105 proposals included drilling in Alaska wilderness, expanding coal production, and increasing nuclear capacity, as well as increased funding for conservation, renewable resources, and alternative fuels.

Astrologically, the energy plan is an obvious nod to Big Oil since transiting Neptune, the natural ruler of oil and gas, stands on Bush's seventh house cusp of partners. Bush's partner and chief designer of this energy plan is Vice President Dick Cheney, who from 1995 to 2000 was CEO of Halliburton, the world's largest oil-service company.

Transiting Neptune is also squaring the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, reflecting the overwhelming influence of oil and gas in formulating national policy. The square indicates tension, and environmentalists are pointing out that budgetary omissions and industry deregulations contradict the President's avowed interest in environmental protection.

Over the next few months authoritative, institutional Saturn and transformative, regenerative Pluto will be opposing each other in the opinionated, vocal signs of Gemini and Sagittarius, promising to turn the energy vs. environment issue into a Great Debate. In the U.S. horoscope, Saturn and Pluto are passing through the second house of financial assets and values, and the eighth house of budgets and corporations.

Determining the relative worth of energy and environmental values through heated discussions eventually will get translated into budgetary dollars. By alienating and polarizing environmental concerns, Bush and Cheney will have done more than any other administration to build the environmental movement into a potent national force.

Mars and Chiron Retrograde: Payback and Revenge

From Macedonia to China to Israel, violence and civil unrest threatened to destroy national security last week. In each of these regions the local conflicts carry the potential of spilling across international borders, and those interested in keeping global peace have been urging President Bush to play a larger role, especially in the Middle East.

Mars, the planet associated with military affairs, is now retrograde, and will continue to retrace its steps backwards through Sagittarius until July 19 when it turns direct. This celestial path is extremely dangerous due to the simultaneous presence of Chiron and Pluto in Sagittarius, and the opposition from Saturn in Gemini. During July peace-loving Venus also enters Gemini, and will be exactly opposite Mars on July 19.

Between now and then a retrograde Mars incites military units and police action to a cautious approach. Action is taken randomly and unpredictably, a political climate which favors terrorism. In Macedonia, Israel, and China the national governments issued ultimatums against their rebel groups, with the answer in all three cases being more armed clashes and dissidence.

Last week and through the end of May Mars and Chiron are traveling close together. Chiron feels terribly wounded by acts of martial violence, and demands revenge. We can expect increased defiance and hostility over the next ten days. If the international community cannot force the participants to the negotiation table between now and July, the fateful July 19 date could mark the trigger point for a devastating war.

Bob Dylan's Never Ending Tour

Rock 'n' Roll legend Bob Dylan turns 60 this week, but he plans on keeping a low-profile for his birthday. Life magazine calls Dylan one of the 100 most important Americans of the twentieth century, and attributes his revolutionary folk-rock style along with creating a more progressive consciousness in American culture.

Bob Dylan was born under the restless, expressive sign of Gemini (May 24, 1941; 9:05 pm; Duluth, MN) with philosophical Sagittarius Rising. His enduring success story began at Greenwich Village coffeehouses in 1960, and was astrologically propelled by the powerhouse combination of the Sun aspecting Mars and Pluto. The Sun also is closely linked with the political asteroid Pallas, which charges his songs with poignant social messages.

A great mystery to Dylan fans is the clash between his public existence and his obsessive desire for privacy. Astrologers will note that Sagittarius is on two house cusps, the twelfth of secrecy and privacy, and the first of personal image. Being a Gemini carries the tendency toward split personalities, and this makes the private and public Dylan a natural duality.

At the moment transiting Saturn is right on Dylan's sixth house Sun, a connection that often brings health problems. Remembering that the singer-songwriter had a nearly fatal heart infection in May 1997, fans hope that his six week rest keeps him in good health until he returns to the Never Ending Tour with his June 24 Norway concert.

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