Past Issues

NewsScope for April 16, 2001
by WolfStar

Donald Rumsfeld Speaks Out on China

During the entire 11-day confrontation with China, the collision between the U.S. reconnaissance plane and the Chinese fighter was gingerly handled by the State Department. Then, once the 24-member crew was safely returned, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spoke out for the first time, bluntly blaming the Chinese pilot for the accident.

Rumsfeld, as head of the largest bureaucracy in the world, is also the key player in any potential military conflict, and the astrological community is fortunate to have his precise birth data (July 9, 1932; 5:40 pm; Chicago). The Defense Department, formerly known as the War Department, is governed by the war planet Mars. Tracking Mars in Rumsfeld's horoscope provides some fascinating insights into U.S. military affairs.

For the past two months transiting Mars has been passing through Rumsfeld's secretive twelfth house. Ostensibly, he has been listening, preparing, and in general keeping a low profile. On April 1 when the collision took place, transiting Mars was nearing his Ascendant, but still in the twelfth house. By early last week transiting Mars had arrived on his Ascendant, and the crew-members were released.

Last Friday Rumsfeld came out of seclusion to make his pointed presentation, saying "it was time to set out factually what actually took place." Over the next few months Rumsfeld's natal Mars gets powerfully activated by transiting Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, and we can be sure that he will be playing a major role in shaping international geopolitics.

Jupiter and Pluto Seek Reform

The outer planets Jupiter and Pluto are now within effective range of opposing each other in the intellectual signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. Between now and May 6 when this aspect becomes exact we can expect that most political events will be profoundly influenced by the vibratory pattern established by this combination.

Jupiter and Pluto together represent the true believers, those who are seeking fundamental changes to make a better world. Because this aspect is an opposition, the energies tend to find enemies to blame the current situation, or those who would block the big reforms. Jupiter and Pluto together empower extremists into action, and that applies to any far end of the religious, political or military spectrum.

Individuals with natal planets in the middle degrees of Gemini or Sagittarius will be propelled into the spotlight. Bush's Interior Secretary Gale Norton (March 11, 1954) is a prime example since her natal Mars and Jupiter fall in line with transiting Jupiter and Pluto. Last week Ms. Norton proposed undermining the Endangered Species Act, claiming it's bogged down in lawsuits.

Soon, she will propose oil and gas exploitation in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, and the reinstitution of nuclear power plants. America's European allies didn't respond to the crisis with China since most are miffed over Bush's recent denunciation of global warming protections. Over the next few weeks watch for growing momentum pitting corporate and economic priorities against environmental safeguards.

Brooke Shields' Secret Wedding

On the evening of April 4 in a choreographed conspiracy the CIA would admire, Brooke Shields and fiancée Chris Henchy spirited away a small group of friends and relatives to Catalina Island to witness and celebrate their secret marriage ceremony. The Suddenly Susan star is starting over now following a series of tragic events including her divorce from tennis ace Andre Agassi, the suicide of a co-star, and the traumatic legal confrontation against a stalker.

Brooke Shields was born a multi-talented Gemini (May 31, 1965; 1:45 pm; New York City) with her Sun conjunct bright and cheery Jupiter. Shields began her career as an 11-month child star for Ivory Soap, and went on to model for top fashion magazines by the time she was 12, all with the astute guidance of her mother. This early professional achievement is shown by beautiful Venus conjunct her career point, the Midheaven, and also the Moon, symbol of the mother.

The fortunate placements of Venus and Jupiter in her horoscope are offset by a dark side, symbolized by the Sun's square to Uranus and Pluto in the mysterious twelfth house. Uranus and Pluto here can represent hidden psychotic or neurotic behavior, or individuals obsessed with the image of success as represented by Shield's public persona and her Sun-Jupiter conjunction.

Over the past two years during the most trying losses an individual can experience, transiting Pluto has been opposing Shield's Sun and squaring these twelfth house planets. Now Pluto has moved on, and beneficial Jupiter has arrived on her Sun. Transiting Jupiter returning to its natal position brings a new start with a new partner.

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