Past Issues

NewsScope for March 12, 2001
by WolfStar

Mars and Pluto Shape Geopolitical Events

The nation was shocked last week by yet another deadly school shooting spree which was followed by at least 30 similar incidences involving students and guns over the following few days. Meanwhile, in national politics President Bush took a sharp turn to the right by strong-arming North Korea over reunification plans, the Democrats over tax cuts, and environmentalists over oil drilling in the Arctic.

Astrologically, the tenor of our tempestuous time is best characterized by the pending conjunction of Mars and Pluto, which will be exact on March 18. The combination of Mars and Pluto usually leads to violent confrontations in the geopolitical environment wherever guns and other weapons of destruction are available. On the more diplomatic front of Washington politics, the game quickly turns to hardball.

The school shootings in Santana High School, California and elsewhere across the nation coincide with the transit of Ceres opposite the U.S. Sun. Ceres awakens concern about the parent-child relationship, and sociologists and reporters everywhere are questioning our culture of violence and calling for more parental responsibility to limit the negative impact on the nation's youth.

On the positive side, this Mars-Pluto conjunction occurs in the U.S. second house and forms a favorable trine to the U.S. Midheaven. As transiting Saturn is now completing a long-term square to the natal Moon (see NewsScope 2/26/01), the Nasdaq has plummeted to 2000, down 60 percent from its high a year ago. Saturn's depressing effect on consumer confidence is ending just as the resurgent Mars-Pluto influence is about to kick in, indicating that the Nasdaq has reached a turning point.

Japan on Verge of Economic Collapse

A recent flurry of major events in Japan climaxed last Saturday when Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori announced he would resign. Earlier in the week the Finance Minister warned that the country is on the verge of economic collapse. Japan's national horoscope provides political astrologers with a clear view of the currrent scenarios.

The best chart for Japan is set for the surrender of the military regime on September 2, 1945 (9:04 am; Tokyo). This powerful, ceremonial transfer of power is they key moment to monitor and measure all future national developments*. Over the past month transiting Chiron has been opposing Japan's Mars. Chiron's difficult aspects tend to coincide with painful incidents according to the nature of the planet contacted.

On February 9 when Chiron was precisely, to-the-minute opposite Japan's war planet Mars, the USS Greeneville sank the Ehime Maru not far from Pearl Harbor. Concurrent with the ongoing investigation is another flashback, a domestic Japanese lawsuit involving the infamous Army Unit 731 and its alleged crimes against humanity during World War II.

Mercury in Japan's tenth house of national authority represents the Prime Minister. Last Saturday transiting Mercury and Uranus came together in Aquarius, exactly opposite Japan's Mercury. The crisis-oriented Uranus led to the lack of confidence in the current leadership, forcing Mori's resignation. In the long run, the most serious transit is Saturn's entrance into the eighth house of national debt. Japan's $5.4 trillion debt may cripple the economy as Saturn edges its way through the eighth house over the next two years.

Dick Cheney's Work and Health

Surgeons performed a balloon angioplasty on Dick Cheney's last week to open up a clogged artery and release some renewed chest pains. Although the Vice President has had four heart attacks since 1974, President Bush said "I don't think he needs to cut back on his work load. This country needs his wisdom and judgment."

Dick Cheney was born a systems-oriented Aquarian (January 30, 1941; Lincoln, NE; 7:30 pm**) with his Sun, representing his general vitality, opposed to Pluto and square Saturn and Jupiter. This stressful configuration thrives under challenging situations, but without a wholesome lifestyle may quickly lead to severe health problems. Cheney's smoking, high cholesterol diet, and job-related stress led to his first heart attack at age 37.

Transiting Neptune is nearing Cheney's Sun in the 6th house of work and health, and as of last week was exactly squaring his Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. When Neptune closes in on the 6th house Sun, an individual faces burn out from routine tasks. Retirement beckons, and the urge to listen to soft music, stroll by the sea, or otherwise attend to transcendent urges can be overwhelming.

At the same time transiting Saturn is near Cheney's Midheaven, giving him plenty of responsibilities and personal authority. Then, transiting Uranus is nearly conjunct his 6th house Mercury (the ruler of his horoscope), a position that brings mental stress and can lead to sudden health problems. Although Cheney's doctors say the likelihood that Cheney will finish his term is "very high," Uranus and Neptune hitting his sixth house planets indicate otherwise.

* Researchers might want to look at the Kobe earthquake (January 17, 1995; 5:46 am; Kobe) for a prime example of how well this chart works in practice. Note that the Full Moon and Uranus all at 26 degrees Capricorn/Cancer precisely squares the Libra Ascendant, and transiting Saturn is exactly opposite the Sun.

** Rated AA according to latest info from

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