Past Issues

NewsScope for February 26, 2001
by WolfStar

Bush's ACG Map

When judging the affairs of a nation, ancient astrologers looked at the king's horoscope, and in the modern era the practice is still valid. While George W. Bush is the President his horoscope becomes one of the major lenses to view current political realities. One technique not used in ancient times, but a favorite of contemporary astrologers is the use of astrocartography (ACG).

An ACG map shows where on earth natal planets are angular, and therefore have the strongest influence. In Bush's ACG map the Middle East has several planetary lines of interest, with his Mercury-Pluto conjunction at the MC (Midheaven) over Iraq and Jerusalem. His Venus MC line runs through Iran and Saudi Arabia.

We can break these influences into specific regions according to the nature of the planets involved. Bush's Pluto line going through Iraq shows his personal or perhaps family obsession with Saddam Hussein. Pluto lines show where we may use absolute force to get our way, or conversely, where our enemies are strongest. The Mercury line running through Israel reflects the tough negotiations that will undoubtedly play a role in the near future.

Transits to Bush's natal planets can be felt in the regions corresponding to his ACG map. On the day of the air strikes on Iraq, transiting Venus was exactly trine his natal Pluto. At the moment transiting Uranus is opposite Bush's Venus, and this is the strongest influence. Transiting Uranus opposite Venus signifies breaks in relationships, and Colin Powell is on his way this week to try and mend fences with Iraq's Arab neighbors.

Saturn Hits Consumer Confidence

Consumer confidence, one of the key numbers tracked by economists, fell for the fifth consecutive month and reached levels not seen since 1996. At the same time, the technology-driven Nasdaq plunged below 2200 last week, it's lowest level in two years. Since technology has been the economic engine of growth, this downturn reflects a recessionary spiral taking over the national economy.

In political astrology the Moon represents consumers, and in the U.S. horoscope the Moon is in technology-savvy Aquarius. This meaning is emphasized since the Moon is conjunct the asteroid Pallas, which asteroid researchers have noted is associated specifically with the internet and computer technology. While the U.S. Moon is generally well-placed, at the moment it's under tremendous pressure from transiting Saturn.

For the past several months Saturn has lingered in late Taurus due to its annual retrograde cycle. From this position Saturn forms a square to the U.S. Moon, weighing heavily on public sentiment. The gloomy influence is aggravated by the simultaneous influence of transiting Neptune which is currently squaring the U.S. Ascendant.

Astrologers have noticed that the combination of Saturn and Neptune in a personal horoscope often leads to bouts of depression, and this interpretation can now be applied to the national index of consumer confidence. Not until the end of March do these two planets break out of their current positions. Internet and computer-related technologies are the most vulnerable in this time frame, and this includes from hackers as well as from recession. March 13-15 brings the most dangerous few days.

Dale Earnhardt, the Intimidator

One of NASCAR's greatest drivers died last week during the Daytona 500 in a high-speed, fatal wreck. Dale Earnhardt's career winnings were in excess of $30 million, with his most recent victory last October at Talladega's superspeedway where he picked his way through a wall of speeding cars to shoot from 18th to first in the last five laps.

Dale Earnhardt was born in the accumulative sign of Taurus (April 29, 1951; Cabarrus, NC; 1:07 pm*), with Mercury and Mars also residing in Taurus to add energy and knowledge to his common sense about money matters. Although he had only a ninth grade education, his business acumen and marketing skills brought him 40 percent of NASCAR's souvenir and memorabilia sales.

Earnhardt was widely known for his reckless, aggressive driving, and he often took risks that others considered excessive. This behavior brought him the nickname "The Intimidator," and can be seen astrologically in his Mars placement. Mars is the most important planet in an athlete's chart, and in Earnhardt's case, Mars is emphasized by being conjunct the Sun and square Pluto. Mars square Pluto aspects are absolutely ruthless in their desire to win at any cost.

Earnhardt probably suffered from faulty judgment last Sunday when he died since transiting Neptune, the planet of confusion and nebulous thinking, was squaring his Sun. Another major factor was the exact opposition of Mars and Jupiter at the time of the accident, an aspect which pushes drivers toward taking unreasonable risks.

* Rated AA from Courtney Conrad's Athlete Database published by Astrolabe, Inc.

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