Past Issues

NewsScope for January 29, 2001
by WolfStar

India's Karmic Earthquake

At 8:46 am on January 26 India suffered a 7.9 earthquake, it's worst in 50 years. The epicenter was near Ahmedabad, a metropolitan city of 4.5 million near the border with Pakistan, but was felt as far away as Nepal and Bangladesh, both over 1000 miles away. Officials estimate that the death toll will eventually exceed 15,000.

The astrological indicators for this devastating earthquake were described in last week's NewsScope, with the most precise timer being the exact conjunction of the Sun and Neptune. This conjunction took place exactly opposite India's Mercury, which is the ruler of its Gemini Ascendant (August 15, 1947; 12:00 am; New Delhi). India and Pakistan share the same birth moment, but they have different Ascendants since their charts are set for their respective capitals.

Why India was struck by this predicted earthquake should be apparent by comparing the transits to India's chart. Jupiter is conjunct India's Ascendant, and the Mars- Uranus square lines up closely with India's Sun-Jupiter square. Then, some geologists and ecologists have advanced the theory that earthquake activity is directly connected to underground nuclear testing which tends to destabilize the regional sub-structure.

India conducted five underground tests on May 11, 1998 during the Full Moon as the Sun was conjunct militant Mars. The Mars-Uranus square during last week's earthquake was exactly lined up with the Nuke Test's Sun-Mars-Moon. From this we can see that the location of the earthquake near Pakistan, and the nuclear tests, also conducted near Pakistan, are the fruit of actions flowing out of actions, which is the Hindu definition of karma.

The Mars-Saturn Duel

On Saturday, February 3 at 4:33 pm EST Mars and Saturn will be exactly opposite each other in the fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus. Over the coming week this cosmic conflict promises to bring much trouble to our global village, with adversaries and sworn enemies gearing up for battle in the economic, political, and military spheres of influence.

Since this Mars-Saturn dynamic happens to line up closely with the U.S. Moon, Americans are feeling the pinch. A flurry of corporate lay-offs headed business news last week, pointing to mounting recessionary pressure, an economic condition confirmed by Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. And in California corporate, state, and federal interests are competing over a long-term energy plan.

On the political front John McCain and George W. Bush launched competing legislative agendas. McCain's national standing allows him to establish a rival political platform as Bush's educational program must vie with McCain's campaign finance reform measures. Then, John Ashcroft's fate was postponed until this coming week, when the Mars-Saturn vibe reaches maximum potency.

Mars-Saturn combinations have a propensity toward violence. We can expect terrorist activity in traditional hotspots around the world, as well as incidents of insane brutality over the coming week. Militarily, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is moving ahead to deploy a National Missile Defense program in spite of unanimous dissension from the rest of the world's nations. On February 3, the day of the Mars-Saturn opposition, Rumsfeld flies to Germany to confront allies at a European security conference.

Arnold Shwarzenegger's Heart

Body-builder and Hollywood mega-superstar Arnold Shwarzenegger was awarded $4,700 in a defamation suit last week. A Berlin court found a heart specialist guilty of slander for saying on a radio talk show that anabolic steroids gave Arnold heart disease.

Arnold Shwarzenegger was born a bigger-than-life Leo (July 30, 1947; 4:10 am; Graz, Austria) with his Moon in hard-working, ambitious Capricorn. Astrologically, the Sun in Leo is associated with the heart, and any major stress to the Sun tends to correspond to heart problems. The strong guy's Sun squares Chiron, the planetoid known for its tendency to wound. Chiron here makes one feel under-valued and under-appreciated and pushes the individual to extraordinary lengths to compensate (George W. has the same aspect).

The bazillionaire underwent open heart surgery on April 17, 1997 and now claims he is in excellent health. At the time of his operation, transiting Uranus opposed his Sun, reflecting the event's inherent danger and risk. However, transiting Pluto was trine his Sun, allowing for total regeneration of his physical heart and quality of life.

Holistic health experts say that that to improve the heart's condition one needs to nurture empathy and quality relationships, as well as purge destructive chemicals and hectic lifestyles. Last week when the court ruled in Arnold's favor the transiting Sun-Neptune conjunction was exactly opposite Arnold's Sun. Arnold seems to have learned this lesson of the heart: he donated the $4,700 to Germany's Special Olympics.

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