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NewsScope for December 11, 2000
by WolfStar

Checks and Balances Tested by Election

Last Friday's stunning Florida Supreme Court decision gave Al Gore a fighting chance to eventually assume the Presidency. Then, on Saturday the U.S. Supreme Court abruptly stepped in to temporarily halt the counting until a final decision could be made. The Founding Fathers' creation of a system dividing power between three branches of government (the judicial, legislative and executive) is now being severely tested.

The Scorpio Rising US horoscope provides a roadmap for tracking these ongoing developments. The accuracy and relevance of this chart can most recently be verified by the timing of these court decisions*. As described in the November 20 NewsScope, each outer planet is making major hits to the US horoscope. Each outer planet defines a specific unfolding process within the entire chaotic situation, with the action building toward climax as the transit approaches its exact hit to the natal US planet.

Not mentioned in the 11/20 article, but of paramount importance this coming week is Chiron, which is about to oppose the U.S. Mars. Chiron-Mars combinations can be brutally competitive, and this aspect is increasing its voltage until it becomes exact on December 21. When Chiron's impact is boosted by being connected with a faster moving planet, you can expect extremely heated confrontations.

The transiting Sun and Chiron are conjunct on Monday evening (December 11), reflecting the current intensity of feeling surrounding the recounting of Florida votes. Mercury is in this volatile degree zone on December 16. Mercury, natural ruler of speech and declarations, probably signals the next Supreme Court decision. Mercury-Chiron-Mars indicates a Holy War of words, if not deeds.

Barak Initiates The Season of the Warrior

Over the weekend Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak announced his resignation in order to compete in a special Knesset election within 60 days. Barak's popularity has dwindled rapidly since the open conflict with the Palestinians has jeopardized national security. Barak faced heavy criticism from his rivals Ariel Sharon, and the resurgent Benjamin Netanyahu.

Barak's decision arrives as transiting Saturn is retrograding toward a conjunction with Israel's Sun. Saturn turns direct on January 24 while nearly exactly conjunct the Sun (Israel was "born" on May 14, 1948; 4:37 pm; Tel Aviv). The next two month interval marks a critical phase in national goals; will Barak's negotiating efforts be upheld, or will Israelis return to a get-tough stance as represented by either Sharon or Netanyahu?

Israel's natal horoscope reflects the difficulty of this pending election. The Sun is opposed to Chiron, giving a national sense of being wounded by injustice and victimization. But this Sun-Chiron axis is squared by Mars in Leo, so that the nation created following the holocaust has the warrior spirit to dominate any would be oppressors. Mars-to-Chiron is ferocious in its intensity to conquer in order to never again be victimized by apparent weakness.

Adding fuel to the fire is the entrance of Mars into Scorpio on December 23. Over the following six weeks Mars will get closer to an opposition to Saturn, a combination renown for instilling aggression, rage, frustration, and heartless acts of cruelty. Mars in Scorpio marks the Season of the Warrior, and we can expect a stressful time when open hostility and direct confrontation reign.

Madonna To Marry

Britain's show-business marriage of the year is scheduled for December 22 when pop-star Madonna plans on tying the knot with her film-director boyfriend Guy Ritchie. The ceremony takes place in Scotland with the reception in Skibo Castle, a favorite destination for the rich and famous. Madonna recently relocated to London's trendy Notting Hill district where she feels safer and more comfortable than Los Angeles.

Madonna was born a dramatic, flashy Leo (August 16, 1958; 7:05 am; Bay City, MI) with a powerfully maternal Moon-Ceres conjunction right on her Virgo Ascendant. Virgo, the archetypal symbol of purity and humility, becomes "Madonna" with these two mother images reinforcing each other within the personality of the artist/singer.

Madonna's bad-girl side can be found in a T-square formation made from the Sun and Uranus in Leo opposite Chiron, and all three squaring Mars in Taurus. Relevant to this week's political events is Madonna's Mars-Chiron square, which gives her the fighting spirit arising from deep feelings of woundedness and being victimized by injustice. Under this natal stress, Mars fights to win at all costs.

Madonna's wedding date brings transiting Jupiter, the ruler of lavish ceremonies, to her Midheaven, the point of honor. This combination promises a sumptuous extravaganza rivaling Hollywood's best. No serious astrologer would expect this marriage to last however, since Uranus in Aquarius goes on to oppose her Sun next year (and her progressed Mars squares Pluto). Watch as early as March for signs of trouble.

* The judgments on December 8 and 9 came as transiting Saturn was exactly, to-the-minute square the U.S. progressed Sun. Transiting Saturn remains in a close square to the natal Moon, showing the ongoing seriousness of this political showdown.

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