Past Issues

NewsScope for December 4, 2000
by WolfStar

Solar Power Energizes the World

As a crush of demonstrators and reporters crowded around the Supreme Court building last Friday, lawyers presented their cases before the nine justices. The historical event was shrouded in doubt of whether a decision by the highest court in the land would have any impact at all in the presidential contest.

The astrological line-up for this event features the Sun's annual conjunction with Pluto. Pluto's symbolism includes the use of absolute or ultimate authority. He is our inner dictator at his worst, but a decisive force for evolution and constructive change at his best. During the days surrounding the Sun's conjunction with Pluto, transformative events take place.

This Sun-Pluto conjunction is exact Monday morning, and in the United States carries special significance since it aligns with the U.S. Sun. In a more lyrical sense, the Sun-Pluto conjunction takes place just as the dramatic spreading of the world's largest solar panel wings brings electricity to the international space station with Solar Power. The influence of the Sun-Pluto combination also shows how various nations are currently dealing with absolute political power.

In Chile former dictator Augusto Pinochet was charged with crimes against the nation's people. Then, Saddam Hussein suddenly withheld Iraq's oil supplies. In Mexico for the first time in that nation's history a President from the opposition party took the oath of office. His poignant comment describes how power and democracy can co-exist: "I am the guardian of power, not its owner."

The Power of Thirteen

A vote recount in the state of Washington confirmed last week that millionaire Maria Cantrell has won the U.S. Senate seat, defeating the Republican incumbent Slade Gorton. Her victory means that for the first time in 120 years the Senate is split exactly 50-50 between the nation's two political parties. Perhaps more significantly, the Senate now has 13 women senators, the largest number in history.

The astrological picture seems to indicate a sea change in American politics. In the Scorpio Rising U.S. horoscope the natal Moon, representing the nation's women, is now being powerfully activated by the progressed Sun.* This year the progressed Sun for the first time is forming a conjunction with the U.S. Moon, bringing women (Moon) into the limelight through leadership roles (Sun).

The struggle between the two presidential candidates may have the ultimate effect of weakening the power of the presidency, at least for the coming term. Power moves from the executive office to legislative, and to the Senate where Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and eleven other intelligent, activist women politicians are favored to advance by this unique astrological indicator.

Thirteen is associated with the Moon since there are 13 lunar cycles in a year (not 12), and the Moon is naturally associated with women through their monthly cycle. Thirteen women senators shows how the lunar vibration is permeating American politics now. Thirteen is implicated in the nation's destiny, as echoed by the thirteen original states. Astrologically, thirteen shows up in the position of the natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer and 13 minutes.

John Lennon, It Was Twenty Years Ago Today

On the twentieth anniversary of the assassination of John Lennon fans will gather in a slice of Central Park West known as Strawberry Fields for a candle light vigil and to sing John's songs. Yoko Ono and Sean will put candles on their apartment's windowsill overlooking Strawberry Fields, as they do every year, to tell the people "We're with you," says Yoko.

John Lennon was born with his Sun in the partnership sign of Libra (October 9, 1940; 6:30 pm; Liverpool), a position emphasized by being placed near the Descendant. His Moon in the team sign of Aquarius becomes brotherly by the favorable trine to Mars, the ruler of his chart. While Lennon enjoyed organizing and leading the Beatles for many years, the hard edge in his life, as portrayed by his Moon opposite Pluto, ultimately led to the group disbanding.

Lennon had a strong political agenda. The Moon in cause-oriented Aquarius is the traditional indicator for this social conscience, and with the opposition to Pluto, Lennon took pride in being a revolutionary. Another indicator pointing to this tendency is his Sun's conjunction with Pallas, the political asteroid. The ultimate clout of this asteroid can be seen in Lennon's death.

Lennon was shot just before 11 pm on December 8, 1980. At that time no planets by transit or progression had entered into his natal Moon-Pluto axis. Transiting Pallas, on the other hand, was exactly, to-the-minute opposite Lennon's Sun. As one commentator recently described, "For the generation that grew up with the Beatles, it was the rock 'n' roll equivalent of 1963's JFK assassination."

* The progressed Sun moves according to the esoteric formula that one day after birth is equivalent to one year.

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