Past Issues

NewsScope for November 27, 2000
by WolfStar

Washington's Inaugural Establishes Presidency

On April 30 1789 George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States, establishing the historical and astrological precedent for all future American Presidents. The ceremony took place in New York City somewhere between 12:30 pm and 1 pm according to contemporary sources. The time used here is 12:30 pm*, and a horoscope drawn for this moment can be used to describe the current contest between Gore and Bush.

The unresolved election from November 7 featured transiting Saturn prominently placed in the Washington Inauguration (WI) horoscope. Saturn, the planet most often throwing obstacles and chronic problems into the expected flow of events, is exactly conjunct the south node, a karmic or fateful link known for bringing about unpleasant circumstances. Transiting Saturn continues to plague the process by squaring the Ascendant.

Transiting Uranus is also hitting the WI chart full force. On election day it formed a hard aspect to the WI Moon (an inconjunction). The Moon in political horoscopes represents the people's needs or wishes, so the Uranus-to-Moon link shows how the people's vote became a crisis situation. Transiting Uranus goes on to conjunct Pluto and square the Midheaven in January, so we can expect this situation will remain fluid and dynamic until this aspect completes itself.

Congress meets in joint session on January 6 to complete the official tally of the electoral college. Transiting Uranus is nearly exactly conjunct the WI Pluto at this point, and transiting Mars is opposing the WI Sun. This is clearly a challenging situation, and reaches maximum voltage around January 10. Hopefully after that we will have a consensus opinion on the next President in time for the January 20 inauguration.

Technology Shake Out

Uncertainty on the presidential scene has given the lackluster stock market further reason to remain in the doldrums. The technology-heavy Nasdaq is down over 40 percent from it's high last March 10, and has brought the Dot-Com revolution to its knees. Fully half of Nasdaq stocks have lost over fifty percent of their value this year, with many high-fliers down 80 percent and more.

Financial astrologers have seen this year's Saturn-Uranus square as being the chief culprit in the downturn, especially in the so-called New Economy technology stocks. Uranus, as natural symbol for new technologies, got carried away with itself until practical, realistic Saturn came along to trim its sails. Saturn and Uranus completed their third of three squares last May, but the markets continue to slide. Why?

The answer can be found in the Nasdaq horoscope (and reflected in the NYSE horoscope). Nasdaq (February 8, 1970; 10:00 am; NY) has its Sun in techno-savvy Aquarius and is squared natally by Saturn in Taurus. For the last several months transiting Uranus has been in the same degree zone as this Nasdaq Sun-Saturn square. Uranus is well-known for bringing extreme volatility, especially when it hits stressed natal planets.

Curiously, Nasdaq's Sun is in the exact same degree as the Washington Inaugural Pluto. As transiting Uranus hits the Nasdaq, it simultaneously hits the WI horoscope, showing how the presidential snafu is currently moving in perfect (if not discouraging) harmony with the Nasdaq. Watch around January 10 for a reversal pattern.

Wynonna Judd, A New Day Dawning

After 18 years touring the country music scene, Wynonna Judd is making sweeping changes in her life. She's sold many of her cherished possessions, including the farm, car, wardrobe, and furniture, and is experimenting with new genres of music. "After so many years of being kept in a box, I've flown the coop," she said.

Astrologers would recognize these abrupt developments as being activated by a major Uranus transit. Wynonna Judd was born a traveling Gemini (May 30, 1964; 8:52 am; Ashford, KY) with a cluster of planets in materialistic Taurus. Her Taurus planets urge her toward accumulating fine things, but now as transiting Uranus squares these Taurus planets, a personal revolution is taking over.

With Cancer Rising, the mother image is a powerful guide in Wynonna's life. At the tender age of 15 Wynonna entered the limelight as the partner of Naomi Judd, her famous mother. This personal and professional arrangement was cosmically fated from the beginning, since Wynonna's Moon (the ruling planet of her chart) is placed near the Descendant, marking the seventh house of partners.

Wynonna's Sun is under extreme planetary stress from the outer Saturn-Uranus-Pluto configuration that dominated the Sixties revolution. This set-up brings powerful divergent drives to stay with tradition and to break away onto a personal path. Having been under her mother's wing for so long, Wynonna is finally experiencing a New Day Dawning, which is also the title of her new CD.


* 12:30 pm puts 25 Leo Rising, exactly in line with the U.S. Moon from the Scorpio Rising horoscope. WI progressed Mars is now at 25 Leo, right on this Ascendant, perfectly reflecting the intense battle for the President. Compare the Presidential elections of 1824, 1876, and 1960 for further verification that this chart shows the closest, most competitive, and controversial contests.

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