Past Issues

NewsScope for November 13, 2000
by WolfStar

Bizarre Election Awaits Consensus

Anyone watching Tuesday's election returns before 9:30 pm EST was informed by the major networks that Gore was the projected winner in Florida, and therefore the likely next President. By 10 pm all the national news teams had withdrawn this projection, leaving Florida's outcome too close to call.

The botched call corresponded precisely to the timing of Mercury turning direct. NewsScope readers were briefed on this political moment in last week's column. Mercury's close square to surreal, fraudulent Neptune colored the political events with lost ballots, recounts, and incredibly close margins across the country. The crisis atmosphere arrives as transiting Uranus crosses over the U.S. fourth house cusp (symbolizing the nation's foundations), according to the Scorpio Rising horoscope.

This election is the most controversial presidential vote since the 1876 Tilden-Hayes election. The astrological picture of that event has strong parallels to the current situation, with Mercury in Scorpio squaring Neptune being the common denominator. In both cases Mercury was near the nation's Scorpio Ascendant. Also, transiting Uranus was opposing the U.S. Moon back then, reflecting the political crisis.

Looming over the Florida recount is the possibility that when the electoral college meets on December 18 the electors may not feel obligated to vote according to their states' popular vote. The U.S. Moon symbolizes the people's wishes, and as transiting Saturn squares this Moon on December 18, the people's choice is challenged. At the same time transiting Mars squares the U.S. Pluto from the twelfth house of backroom wrangling.

Florida, A Mysterious State

The 2000 election features results held up by inconsistencies in Florida, where entire boxes of ballots are being questioned. The 1876 Tilden-Hays selection process was likewise held up by voting irregularities in Florida. Florida's horoscope shows why it has taken the controversial, central role in determining the presidential outcomes.

Florida officially entered the union on March 3, 1845 around 10 to 11 am* according to the Florida State Historical Society. With its Sun in retiring Pisces, Neptune becomes a key planet in this horoscope. Neptune is exactly conjunct pleasure-seeking Venus, giving the state a reputation as a retirement community as well as a center for narco-traffickers.

Transiting Pluto has been squaring Florida's Sun ever since Elian Gonzalez arrived last year. News-watchers may have guessed something supernatural or magical was in the air in Florida last week when the lottery winners were announced. Following the announcement that a relative of Elian's was buying the Little Havana house where he stayed, lottery players bet the combination 2-3-1-9, the address of that house. It turned up as the winning number in the Play Four game, netting 192 winners $5,000 each.

The Venus-Neptune conjunction reflects this other-worldly aura that surrounds Florida, a peculiarity of the peninsula's history ever since Ponce de Leon discovered the elusive Fountain of Youth here. This Venus-Neptune conjunction is closely conjunct the U.S. Moon, so as transiting Saturn squares the U.S. Moon, Florida is also brought into sharp focus. Factor in transiting Pluto's ongoing square to Florida's Sun, and you have a state empowered by magic.

Hillary Clinton's Rising Star

Hillary Clinton became the first First Lady to ever win public office last Tuesday when she claimed victory in the New York Senate race. Although HRC promised to serve a full six years, the buzz is already speculating on her chances in the 2004 presidential campaign, especially if, as expected, George W. Bush claims the Presidency.

Hillary Rodham Clinton was born an intense Scorpio (October 26, 1947; 8:00* pm; Chicago) with her Moon in compassionate Pisces. This feeling-oriented water sign combination is protected by an airy intellectual front, as represented by Uranus in Gemini near her Gemini Ascendant. Electrical, revolutionary Uranus on the Ascendant is the ruler of her horoscope, and currently represents Clinton as the celebrity leader of the largest female contingent ever elected to the Senate.

HRC's political ambitions were awakened last year when transiting Uranus opposed her irrepressible Mars-Pluto conjunction. Uranus, often referred to as the Awakener, was also activated by the progressed Sun, a double influence impossible to ignore. Watch transiting Uranus for the most important political challenges during Ms. Clinton's Senate career, especially as this planet opposes her Saturn throughout 2001.

By the time the 2004 campaign rolls around transiting Uranus will be near HRC's Midheaven, the highest point in the chart, and at the same time forming a favorable trine to her Sun. This, plus a few other planetary links (transiting Pluto trine Saturn, progressed Sun conjunct Juno, and Descendant) indicate that she will run, and that her chances look good.

* (Penfield has rectified this to 11:22 am EST, set for Tallahassee).

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