Past Issues

NewsScope for October 30, 2000
by WolfStar

Republicans Support Nader with TV Ads

Television ads begin airing Monday featuring Ralph Nader blasting Al Gore's stand on the environment. The pre-election media campaign blitz was designed and paid for by Republican strategists seeking to tip the balance in key swing states where Bush and Gore are in a statistical dead heat. Although Nader spent an equal amount of his speech criticizing Bush, Republicans and Democrats alike are seeing that Nader's campaign is draining support from Gore.

Astrologically, this deceptive twist was devised under the auspices of the Scorpio New Moon, which occurred last Thursday, the day after Nader delivered his remarks to the National Press Club. The Scorpio New Moon establishes a month long trend, and was made extraordinarily misleading by the exact square to deceptive Neptune.

Since Mercury, the natural ruler of communications, is retrograde in manipulative Scorpio right through the election on November 7, we can expect that scheming, calculating ads will form a major part of the political landscape. Nader has currently budgeted zero dollars for TV ads, but NARAL, a liberal abortion rights, is spending some $1.5 million urging Nader supporters to vote for Gore.

As described in last week's NewsScope, Ralph Nader is this election's wildcard. With transiting Jupiter squaring Nader's Sun, he has tremendous opportunity now to expand his personal agenda, especially as the torchbearer for the Green Party. Although his political campaign operates on a shoestring budget, his five-to-ten percent standing in pivotal states is assuring him enough national attention to create a viable third party.

Scorpio's Veil Between the Worlds

Next to Christmas, Halloween is the most commercialized holiday in the United States. Why Halloween should become such an important national event arising from an obscure Druidic tradition is a curious, unsolvable mystery - unless one uses the Scorpio Rising U.S. horoscope. Halloween happens to take place every year exactly as the Sun crosses the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant.

What is the significance of the Ascendant or Rising Sign? In the personal horoscope, astrologers describe the Ascendant as the mask or persona that the individual shows to the outside world. The same is true for the national horoscope, and in Scorpio the United States is known around the world for its obsession with sex and violence, as well as the more noble qualities associated with the eagle.

On Halloween children and many adults get to play with their projected image, trying on costumes portraying inner qualities seeking outer expression. The Ascendant marks the projected national image as well, and when major transits activate the U.S. Ascendant, the nation experiences a change of identity. For example, as irrevocable Pluto was transiting across the Scorpio Ascendant from 1987 to 1989 the Soviet Union collapsed, leaving the U.S. as the reigning superpower.

The Sun's passage through Scorpio also corresponds to a change in national image through the election process. The first Tuesday in November is when the transiting Sun has just entered the first house, and is usually forming a square to the Midheaven. Out with the old and in with the new. Elections represent a political transformation, a cycle of death and rebirth most closely associated with Scorpio.

Liza Minnelli Suffering from Encephalitis

On October 8 Liza Minnelli was placed in intensive care where she faded in and out of a coma for eight days following an apparent stroke. The famed daughter of Judy Garland is also awaiting hip replacement surgery, and last week one newspaper reported that she is suffering from encephalitis, a serious brain disease.

Liza Minnelli was born a compassionate Pisces (March 12, 1946; 7:58 am; Los Angeles) with her Moon is sensitive, expressive Cancer. The Sun-Moon blend in water signs gives her deep feelings which tend to flow out over everything she does. The Taurus Ascendant, noted for it's beautiful singing voice, gives her a safe and professional outlet for the lush emotionalism.

The Moon dominates Minnelli's horoscope by its angular placement on the fourth house cusp along with its network of aspects. This Cancer Moon is naturally rooted in family, but being involved in difficult aspects (conjunct Mars and Saturn, square Chiron), family life was never easy. The Saturn square to Chiron is a generational aspect reflecting a distant or absent father figure; toss in the Moon's placement and you have a distant or absent mother figure as well.

Chiron's loose association with health becomes a confirmed meaning when afflicted and placed in the 6th house. Over the past few months Minnelli's progressed Moon passed over her Mars-Saturn-Moon, triggering the inherent tension of this health dynamic. Now transiting Mars is in her 6th house, and will bring the most severe health crisis when it enters the same configuration during the first week of December.

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