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NewsScope for October 23, 2000
by WolfStar

Presidential Race Goes Down to the Wire

With two weeks remaining before Americans choose their next President, pollsters and pundits agree that the race is a dead heat. Bush and Gore strategists know that any slip-up now will cost their candidate the election as advertising dollars and political messages are being diverted to swing states and voters.

Who will win? In this toss up election the political astrologer is tested to move beyond personal wishes and indecipherable trends to read the planetary signals. With Mercury retrograde right up to the election date, anything could happen to shift voters one way or the other. Then, the Sun-Uranus square on November 7 promises an exciting finish. Among the many astrological messages one could consider, this Sun-Uranus square is the most important since it is precisely aligned with the U.S. Midheaven.

The Sun-Uranus square makes direct hits to both Bush's and Gore's personal horoscopes. Gore's Saturn in Leo receives the brunt of an exact opposition from transiting Uranus, brought alive on November 7 by the square from the transiting Sun. Saturn's task to control and command is upset by this combination, which frequently promises disappointment. Transiting Neptune on Gore's Descendant points to his growing reputation for a lack of credibility.

Bush's horoscope gets favorably awakened by this Sun-Uranus combination since Uranus is exactly trine to his Moon-Juno conjunction, and also closely trine his Jupiter - all in Libra. Transiting Uranus trine Jupiter promises success, and with his progressed Midheaven in Gemini creating a Grand Trine, Bush looks like the odds-on favorite. All these planets are in Air signs, indicating that his advertising strategists know what they're doing.

Ralph Nader, the Wildcard

While voters have developed a grudging acceptance that either Bush or Gore will be the next president, consumer-activist Ralph Nader's campaign has generated the excitement and enthusiasm of a genuine movement. In the critical swing states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Oregon, and Washington, Nader has consistently drawn capacity crowds at his fund-raisers, with participants paying a modest $10 each.

Nader (February 27, 1934; 4:52 am; Winsted, CT) was born with cause-oriented Aquarius Rising. His Mercury-Pallas-Mars triple conjunction describes a highly vocal and opinionated personality, tempered by his Pisces natural sympathy for the underdog. Nader's sharply focused message stands in contrast to Bush's and Gore's desire to not offend anyone, especially corporate backers.

One of the central astrological factors that Americans look for in their leaders is a strongly placed Saturn. Bush's low acceptance as presidential caliber can be attributed to his weakly placed Saturn. Nader on the other hand, has Saturn in his first house where it makes many links to planets all around his chart.

Nader is in the position of being kingmaker. Transiting Jupiter squares his Sun right through the election process, giving him key political opportunities. Watch over the coming two weeks for Nader's profile to be broadcast over much wider audiences. How he uses his popular appeal may make for some interesting political developments.

Gwen Verdon's Damn Yankees

Call it coincidence, irony, or divine providence, but the last time the World Series featured a New York vs. New York match-up was in 1956, the same year Gwen Verdon starred as the devil's disciple Lola in "Damn Yankees." Gwen Verdon died peacefully in her sleep last Wednesday, the day after baseball fans were assured of a Subway Series.

Gwen Verdon was born an ambitious Capricorn (January 13, 1925; 9:57 am; Los Angeles) with Pisces Rising, the sign associated with dance. Eccentric, talented Uranus is positioned right on her Ascendant, coloring her entire persona. Verdon was widely known for wildly entertaining, energetic dancing style, but she was so spontaneous and creative, no partner could follow her.

Venus, the ruler of song and dance, is in her tenth house of career. Venus here is dramatically enhanced by participating in a Fire Grand Trine with Mercury, Neptune, and Ceres. Jupiter also resides in the tenth house, giving her plenty of opportunity to fulfill her dreams on stage and in film. However, life was anything but a bowl of cherries for Verdon since she was born with crippled legs.

The Sun squares Chiron, giving an inner sense of woundedness. Chiron is in Aries and conjunct Mars, so the feeling of inadequacy comes from an inability to be fully assertive and expressive. With the indomitable will power shown by Mars square Pluto, and the wise and able assistance from her mother (Ceres trine Midheaven and Venus), Verdon was able to overcome her handicap and become the greatest Broadway star of the Fifties.

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