Past Issues

NewsScope for October 16, 2000
by WolfStar

Planetary Cycles Climaxing over the Middle East

Last Thursday suicide bombers tore a ripping hole in a U.S. warship while refueling in Yemen, killing 17 crew members and wounding 35. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem incendiary violence escalated following the photographed killing of a 12-year old Palestinian boy, and the mob attack on three Israeli soldiers. Red alert in the Middle East.

Astrologically, the timing of these events is primarily correlated to the religious planet Jupiter. Traditionally, Jupiter is known as the "great benefic" and it's often said that whenever this planet is involved in a configuration, blessings are sure to follow. But Jupiter has a downside, and this is never more obvious than when Jupiter inspires religious fanaticism.

Jupiter's long-term opposition to Pluto, the planet of extremes, was exact on Thursday, which was the center for riotous behavior in Jerusalem, and the surprise attack on the USS Cole. Jupiter-Pluto combinations lead to arrogant, self-righteous behavior that knows no bounds when seeking to fulfill God's will, but in reality is the rationalization for expression and expansion of personal power.

Then, the lunar cycle represents a monthly ebbing and flowing of events. The Full Moon marks a natural climax and was exact last Friday, within a day of the Jupiter-Pluto opposition. These two cycles coincided with several other culminating cycles, including the transit of Neptune pausing right on Israel's fourth house cusp (Israel's horoscope is set for 4:37 pm; May 14, 1948; Tel Aviv). This indicator reflects the chaos and confusion in the homeland, the holy land.

Neptune and OPEC

Last Thursday stock market investors panicked, with the Dow falling precipitously to a natural support level of 10,000, and the NASDAQ likewise reaching a natural bottom at 3,000. By Friday both markets staged a roaring comeback, although no analyst could confidently say that the bottom was reached. At the same time oil prices peaked at $36/barrel Thursday before receding, and again no one could say with any certainty that oil prices wouldn't rise again soon.

Neptune as the natural ruler of oil is the prime planetary indicator to watch when tracking its price, availability, and political developments. Perhaps the single most important development in the business of oil was the creation of OPEC on September 14, 1960 (at 12 noon, Baghdad according to astrologer Michael Baigent). OPEC was designed to usurp U.S. corporate dominance in the oil business, and this can be seen with OPEC's Neptune right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant.

In October 1973 oil was used as an economic weapon against Israel and it's allies. The withholding of oil supplies and the quadrupling of oil prices changed the balance of power across the world, and occurred under the cosmic formation of a Pentagon formed by four of the five outer planets plus a slowly retrograding Mars. Transiting Neptune had arrived at OPEC's Ascendant, and transiting Pluto was conjunct OPEC's prominent Mercury.

And now similar formations are taking shape. Neptune is about to form a dynamic square to OPEC's natal Neptune. Simultaneously, this forms a square to the U.S. Ascendant, indicating trouble ahead from OPEC, probably through the use of oil as an economic weapon. This influence takes place during all of 2001*, but is already becoming evident since Neptune just turned direct.

Charlie Sheen Joins Spin City

Spin City debuts Wednesday October 18 with Charlie Sheen filling in as the Deputy Mayor, replacing an ailing Michael J. Fox. Even though Sheen is one of the world's top young actors, his show must compete with the Emmy-winning West Wing, starring his father Martin Sheen. "I think the karmic implications are staggering!" said Charlie.

Charlie Sheen was born a duty-conscious Virgo (September 3, 1965; 10:48 pm; New York, NY) with his Moon in adventurous Sagittarius. Sheen's year of birth featured the powerful alignment of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo opposite Saturn and Chiron in Pisces. This combination is well known for initiating the social and political revolutions of the Sixties, and is often characterized in the U.S. as the generation gap.

With his Sun conjunct Uranus-Pluto and opposite Saturn-Chiron, Sheen is constantly torn by competing drives. The cultural ideals of the Sixties are ingrained in his being, as are the disappointments and hurts. Sheen fell apart under the stress, and became addicted to drugs, alcohol, and sex until his father turned him in for violating his parole.

The asteroid Pallas Athena is specifically associated with the father-son relationship. Martin Sheen (August 3, 1940; 8:03 pm; Dayton, OH) has his Pallas in Virgo, right on Charlie's Sun. And Charlie's Pallas in Aquarius is opposite Martin's Sun. This mutual Pallas-Sun connection highlights the significance of their relationship. Not coincidentally, Pallas also rules politics in general, and both actors are starring as political figures, one opposite the other.

* The secondary progressed (P2) Moon shows the timing of oil as a weapon. In October 1973 the P2 Moon was conjunct OPEC's Jupiter and opposite Mars. Now, 27 years later, the P2 Moon has returned to the same area.

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