Past Issues

NewsScope for October 2, 2000
by WolfStar

Violence Erupts Across Global Village

Last week a maelstrom of violence and chaos visited our global village leading to mass rioting in the streets of Belgrade, Jakarta, and Jerusalem. In each case the defiant actions of a regional tyrant triggered civil unrest: Milosevic in Yugoslavia, Suharto in Indonesia, and Ariel Sharon in Jerusalem's Old City.

While mainstream media accounts described, analyzed, and photographed each alarming event in excruciating detail, none of them connected the dots to complete the more abstract, cosmic picture. Astrology shows us how everything is connected, that even during times of apparent disorder, world events unfold in recognizable patterns. The beauty of astrology allows us to see how these clashes are all responding to the same dynamic planetary confrontation between Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto.

Pluto represents the factional interests that attempt to control political power through the use of absolute, and often illegal or immoral force. Jupiter, the symbol for religious and judicial interests, is in a long-term opposition to Pluto. Mars, the planet of action and anger, is the faster moving trigger planet, now squaring the tense force field established by Jupiter opposite Pluto.

Mars is in Virgo, the sign often associated with police and military units. By Thursday of last week Mars was already within effective range of the Jupiter-Pluto axis, but won't be exact until Tuesday and Wednesday (October 3, 4). We can expect that the armed forces will have their hands full through this week to keep order in each of these hotspots. The Mars-Jupiter-Pluto dynamic will undoubtedly lead to critical turning points across the geopolitical arena.


Drugs and pharmaceuticals in one form or another were leading news items again last week. As expected, the Presidential candidates focused on their respective plans for getting prescription drugs to Medicare recipients. But the most explosive issue arrived Thursday when the FDA approved the French abortion pill known as RU-486.

The leading astrological indicator for these events is Neptune, the natural ruler of drugs, which is now being bombarded by several planets from the reproductive sign of Scorpio. Mercury, Venus, and Ceres have recently entered Scorpio, and each colors and influences Neptune according to its own vibrations, but collectively ensuring that Neptune's agenda remains headline news.

The closest aspect at the time of the FDA's announcement was Venus square Neptune. The love goddess Venus wants and enjoys sex, and with RU-486 can now explore relationships without worrying about creating an unwanted child. The square denotes the tension and controversy of this lifestyle, with Ceres, the asteroid governing childbirth, nearby and also squaring Neptune.

Neptune is some kind of cosmic joker with his tendency to blur the difference between subjective and objective reality. The objective name for the abortion pill, RU-486, has no psychological meaning in itself. But the political controversy surrounding the use of an abortion pill has a strange resonation with the more colloquial translation of this code. Businesses use the term "to 86" someone when they want to boot that person out. Are you for 86?

Meg Ryan, Sleepless in Australia

Actress Meg Ryan and her "Gladiator" boyfriend Russell Crowe were spotted snuggling and kissing in his native Australia last week. Their openly affectionate display near the Olympics ended speculation that they were having an affair, and likely ended any possibility of Ryan reconciling with husband Dennis Quaid.

Meg Ryan was born with her Moon in fighting Aries (November 19, 1961; Fairfield, CT; time unknown), the same sign as both Quaid and Russell. The difference between Quaid and Russell as mates, as romantic partners, is as clear as the difference between Jupiter and Saturn. Saturn represents the enduring, serious, and obligatory relationship, while Jupiter awakens the inner child, the sense of play, and new opportunity.

Dennis Quaid (April 9, 1954) has his Saturn in Scorpio, very near Ryan's Venus-Neptune conjunction. Venus-Neptune is what makes Ryan the Queen of romantic comedies on film, and Quaid may well have provided the guidance and structure for her to parlay this innate quality into a screen idol. But Saturn gets old.

Russell Crowe (April 7, 1964) and Ryan have mutual Jupiter connections. His Jupiter is exactly inconjunct (150 degree aspect) her Sun, and her Jupiter is exactly trine his Venus in fun-loving, traveling Gemini. Both these aspects overflow with harmony and good cheer. However, his Saturn squares her Mars (and conjoins her Chiron, opposes her Uranus) indicating that this romance is heading for trouble and will likely end abruptly. Watch May 2001 for significant developments as Saturn returns to Gemini to challenge their long-term intentions.

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