Past Issues

NewsScope for September 25, 2000
by WolfStar

Governments Tinker with Global Economy

Last Friday President Clinton announced the release of 30 million barrels of oil from the nation's emergency reserve, a move designed to cover a potential shortfall in home heating oil this coming winter. On the same day the G-7 nations announced that their central banks would intervene to support the declining value of the Euro. While media accounts did not correlate these two events, the astrological indicators point to an underlying cause leading to both government interventions.

The ongoing opposition between Jupiter and Pluto implies the movement of huge amounts of money, and in the international economy, this most often refers to hedge fund and currency speculators. This discrete international plutocracy buys and sells $billions in futures contracts for its investors' personal gain, while having the unfortunate side effect of destroying national economies.

A week ago transiting Mars and Saturn squared each other as prices were pushed (Mars) beyond tolerable limits (Saturn). The U.S. finally joined worried governments last week immediately after Intel issued a surprise earnings warning. Intel's lowered expectations were due to lagging Europeans sales, and the U.S. government finally realized that the booming U.S. economy would suffer if the rest of the global economy were declining. The simultaneous action arrived as the Sun entered Libra (indicating partnership) and formed a stabilizing trine to authoritarian Saturn.

The Sun trine Saturn is only a brief intervention, and may not last long. After all, the Jupiter-Pluto opposition remains in effect for many more months, with the next critical pressure point arriving on October 12. Watch in early to mid-October for another phase of frenzied speculative activity in the oil and currency futures markets.

Neptune Heads Up Third Party

Reports surfaced last week that Citizens for Better Medicare is currently spending about $1 million per week on issue-related ads, and $38 million so far during this campaign - more than any other group outside of the two major political parties. Citizens for Better Medicare is funded by a coalition of major drug companies that wants no price controls when the federal government adds prescription drug coverage to health plans.

Neptune is the natural indicator for drugs, whether prescription or illegal. Neptune is in Aquarius for a 14-year ride through the sign of coalitions, allies, and groups. This year and throughout all of next year, Neptune in Aquarius will likely shape much of American politics and the public mood since it forms a long-term square with the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant.

Neptune-ruled organizations include OPEC, the Colombia drug cartel, and now the pharmaceutical alliance. The drug industry, besides promoting favorable candidates, also publishes sympathetic studies and news articles through their trade organization, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Then their lobbying in Washington has cost $235 million since 1997.

Any planet that enters Scorpio and links up with Neptune tends to trigger developing situations. The care-taking asteroid Ceres entered Scorpio on September 12 and formed a square with Neptune on September 21, the day both the Wall Street Journal and PBS reported the story on the Citizens for Better Medicare. The event is an almost literal translation of the planetary symbolism: drug care, Neptune-Ceres.

Anna Nicole Smith Goes to Court

Former Playboy Centerfold Anna Nicole Smith is scheduled to be in court over the next 10 to 12 weeks as she fights to win half of her late husband's estate, estimated to be worth $1.6 billion. Ms. Smith married the Texas oil tycoon on June 27, 1994 when she was just 26 and he was 89. He died 14 months later.

Anna Nicole Smith was born an adventurous, optimistic Sagittarius (November 28, 1967; Mexia, TX; time unknown) with her Moon and Venus in pleasant, pretty Libra. Saturn, the planet of age and maturity, favorably trines her Sun, a combination which often brings wise advice, companionship, or other benefits from old people.

Nicole's Sun also squares Jupiter, the planet associated with expansion, prosperity, and abundance. For anyone with a Sun-Jupiter square, bigger is better, and Nicole is well known for her huge, silicon-injected breasts. When her husband died on August 5, 1995, transiting Jupiter was exactly conjunct her Sun, and undoubtedly Nicole expected a large settlement.

Over the past few years Pluto, the planet of transformation, has changed Nicole's luck, as it slowly passed over her Sun. Her husband's two sons had other ideas about who should get the inheritance, and now she must fight for the payoff. Pluto's arrival also created deep personal problems, as her breasts have imploded, she's gained too much weight, and has mental problems. While Pluto brought much pain and struggle, this phase has passed, and she can now regain her natural Sagittarian enthusiasm for life.

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