Past Issues

NewsScope for September 11, 2000
by WolfStar

Gore and Bush Present Competing Visions

While two-thirds of Americans believe that either George W. Bush or Al Gore would make a fine president, the two candidates have very different ideas about the nation's future. Last week each began presenting their budget plans: how they would spend an unprecedented $2.2 trillion in discretionary federal income to manifest their vision.

Astrologically, the debate about the huge budget surplus arrives as Jupiter, the planet of abundance and prosperity, opposes Pluto, the planet often associated with the plutocracy and financial power. When these two planets team up, the synergistic effect leads to tremendous political power created by financial resources. Since Jupiter and Pluto oppose each other, we have a contest of how best to use these political and financial resources.

Jupiter and Pluto in hard aspect to each other tend to exaggerate, both what they have and what they can do. The $2.2 trillion figure is the estimated windfall that will accumulate over the next ten years of economic prosperity. Actually, the number is $6.4 trillion, but Bush and Gore agree on how to spend $4.2 trillion of that. Ten years ago economists were predicting budget deficits as far as the eye could see.

On September 16 Mars enters Virgo when we can expect the campaign debate will be characterized by mind-boggling financial details. Mars in Virgo brings an important cycle since it forms dynamic squares to Jupiter and Pluto. Watch over the following two to three weeks as these three planets shape the battle over the budget.

Ceres-Uranus Defines Environmental Movement

Last Friday scientists reported that the ozone hole over Antarctica is larger than ever, an estimated 11 million square miles, or three times larger than the United States. The long-term environmental impact of these developments has led to radical increases in skin cancer, now the fastest growing cancer in the United States, plus diverse problems associated with global warming.

Astrologers' traditional tool chest does not carry a planet or other measurement to monitor ecological developments. The asteroid Ceres provides this missing archetype since she is associated with the care-taking principle. Ceres is most often connected to ecology and environmental matters when she is in close aspect to Uranus or in Aquarius. Uranus impels the individual with a prominent Ceres to larger concerns than personal family, adding a holistic awareness and approach, and a perspective that sees how everything is connected.

The Montreal Protocol, signed on September 16, 1989, was the first international accord aimed at resolving the global atmospheric problem. The horoscope for this landmark agreement featured the Sun squaring a Ceres-Uranus conjunction. Eco-researchers will find strong parallels between this chart and the first Earth Day horoscope (set for April 21, 1970) when Ceres and Uranus were closely linked by an opposition.

Individuals with Ceres in Aquarius or Ceres-Uranus aspects are most likely to participate in environmental movements. Ralph Nader (February 27, 1934; 4:52 am; Winsted, CT) is the logical candidate for the Green Party since he has a Ceres-Uranus conjunction in pioneering Aries. Also, his Pisces Sun is conjunct the U.S. Ceres and square the U.S Uranus.

Cats Closes on Broadway

Cats, the longest running, most successful musical in history, played for the last time on Broadway this past Sunday (September 10). Written by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Cats with its pop-opera spectacle has played in 46 countries, been translated into ten languages, and seen by an estimated 50 million people.

Cats made its Broadway debut at the Wintergarden Theatre on October 7, 1982 (at 8 pm, NYC) with the Sun among six planets found in the sixth house of pets. Venus is noted by astrologers as the planet associated with cats. Venus dominates this chart by being conjunct the sixth house Sun, ruling the Ascendant and all the planets in Libra, plus is closely square the karmic lunar node axis.

In addition to the ingenious costumes and the show-biz anthems, Cats became a lasting American success due to the savvy marketing of related entertainment products. The Cats Sun is exactly conjunct the U.S. Saturn, the planet of endurance and institutions. A Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Libra further describes a mythological theme about social relationships that resonates deeply with audiences.

The musical numbers in Cats are loosely held together with a transcendence theme where a selected cat will go to "heavyside layer," a kind of cat heaven. The closest aspect in the Cats chart is a Jupiter-Pallas conjunction in Scorpio, perfectly describing the vision of death and re-birth. Andrew Lloyd Webber was born (on March 22, 1948) with this same combination of planets highlighted. His Sun conjunct Pallas and square Jupiter found expression and acclaim in an earlier work, "Jesus Christ Superstar."

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