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Past Issues

NewsScope for September 4, 2000
by WolfStar

Bush Changes his Tune

Trailing Gore by as much as ten points in the opinion polls, George W. Bush defended a GOP attack ad which aired in 17 states beginning last Friday. Earlier in the week Bush told high school students in Louisville, Kentucky that politics doesn't have to be "mean and ugly." Only a few months earlier, Al Gore initiated a series of attack ads against Bill Bradley, likewise reversing his "nice" rhetoric when he was down in the polls.

Astrologically, the sudden change in direction coincided with a dynamic T-square, a planetary configuration featuring three planets in sharp tension to each other. Jupiter's opposition to Pluto has been building up over the past few months, ushering in major religious discussions at all levels of society.

Last week Jupiter and Pluto fostered a national debate over the place of religion in politics, centered on Joseph Lieberman's comments about morality and religion. Editorials asked the rhetorical question, does one have to be religious to be moral?

On Friday the Sun in Virgo made a square to Jupiter on one side and Pluto on the other, completing the T-square formation. For George Bush, the Sun acted as a catalyst for the morality question. On the same day that the Sun made this T-square, it also hit Bush's Mars in Virgo. Mars, the attack planet, was finally let loose. Stressful connections from outer planets create inner stress, and Bush had to resort to negative ads as his only chance to climb back up in the polls.

China Enters the Global Village

Last Friday President Clinton announced that the Nuclear Missile Defense project is being put on hold, explaining that he's not convinced the technology is workable. Proponents of the NMD* cite China with its puny stockpile of 20 nuclear missiles as the most likely nation to launch an unexpected attack. The timing of Clinton's decision was probably designed to defuse China President Jiang Zemin's speech denouncing the NMD at the United Nations Millennium Summit.

China's horoscope (October 1, 1949; 3:15 pm; Beijing) reflects the current developmental tension over the use of absolute military power. China's seventh house of open enemies is dominated by a fierce Mars-Pluto conjunction. Mars and Pluto here signify the mighty enemy which is easily projected onto the U.S. (since the zodiacal address is the same as the U.S. Midheaven). China's Mars-Pluto has been under heightened stress over the past year by an opposition from transiting Uranus in Aquarius.

Then, last week transiting Mars entered this configuration, triggering a number of dynamic events regarding the China-U.S. relationship. Wen Ho Lee, the Los Alamos nuclear scientist accused of stealing national secrets, was denied release despite a judge's approval. Then, the Dalai Lama wasn't allowed to present himself at the Religious Summit held last week, though he did make a plea for world peace.

To top off Americans' confusion about events in China, last week's top gainer in the stock market was Qiao Xing (XING on the Nasdaq), a Chinese telecommunications company. China's horoscope features an Aquarius Moon on the Ascendant, which represents a potentially huge user-group linking into the global internet. At the moment, transiting Neptune is slowly passing over this Moon, enhancing the Chinese people as the world's largest undeveloped market.

Kofi Annan's Millennium Summit

Three years ago U.N Secretary-General Kofi Annan proposed a Millennium Summit, and this coming week (September 6-8) the global forum is expected to be the largest single gathering of Heads of State ever held in the world. His Millennium Report entitled "We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st century" establishes Millennium Summit discussions on peace, security, disarmament, environment, and poverty eradication.

Kofi Annan was born a pioneering Aries (April 8, 1938; Kumasi, Ghana; time unknown) with his Moon most likely in sensitive Cancer. Annan's Sun is conjunct the caring, compassionate asteroid Ceres, which conveys a protective parenting image. When Annan visits his home country nowadays, he is always pursued by crowds calling out to him, "Father, Father!" The same parenting role is evident in his United Nations office where he has assumed responsibility (Ceres is conjunct Saturn) for the world's underprivileged, oppressed, and degraded.

The natal point of activation impelling this grand Millennium Summit is his Pallas Athene, the political strategy asteroid, located in visionary Pisces. Pallas Athene represents the inner warrior, seeker of justice, and creative intelligence. In Annan's horoscope this asteroid is favorably linked to Uranus which universalizes perceptions, giving a broad humanitarian view.

At the moment the epochal Jupiter-Pluto opposition is exactly squaring his Pallas Athene. Two years ago when transiting Pluto first squared his Pallas, the General Assembly approved his plans for the Millennium Summit. Now that Jupiter has fallen into this alignment, the action is unfolding.

* See last week's NewsScope for the real reason for the NMD.

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