Past Issues

NewsScope for August 7, 2000
by WolfStar

Bush Hits a Home Run

Governor George W. Bush capped the well-orchestrated GOP convention last Thursday with a solid acceptance speech, and in the process secured a substantial - some say insurmountable, lead over Al Gore in the polls. By all accounts Bush's speech was the most important of his political career. What astrological factors signal this successful milestone in Bush's rise?

Speech is ruled by the communications planet Mercury, and any planets in the voluble sign of Gemini can also be influential. George W. Bush (July 6, 1946; 7:46 am; New Haven, CT) was born with Mercury rising, and Uranus, the planet of electrical excitement, in Gemini. These two planets were under precise, simultaneous activation by outer planet transits at the time of his speech.

Transiting Pluto is nearly stationary in its apparent motion, and therefore in its most powerful zodiacal position. Any individual's horoscope showing planets in the same degree zone as this Pluto gets a major dose of Plutonian energy, which on the positive side is enormously empowering. Pluto is now trine to Bush's Mercury, giving him convincing and commanding oratory skills.

Then transiting Uranus was exactly, to-the-minute trine to Bush's natal Uranus in Gemini. Transiting Uranus was also trine to Bush's stellium (grouping) of Libra planets, completing a fortunate Grand Trine. The circuit of planets in air signs creates an atmosphere of civility, political unity, and an agenda broad enough to include everyone. At the end of Bush's speech balloons and confetti rained down on the convention, covering the candidate with a misty, glitzy aura as if the individual had merged with the myth.

Mars Sparks Trouble in India

Last week violent clashes in Kashmir signaled renewed hostilities between the nuclear-armed countries of India and Pakistan. Kashmir has long been the battleground where Islamic forces from Pakistan fight by proxy the Hindu forces from India. This religious conflict resonates with the Middle East situation over Jerusalem where Islamic, Jewish and Christian forces compete for dominance.

As transiting Jupiter and Pluto near their exact opposition on September 4, we can expect increasing dissension wherever religion is a primary determinant. The opposition represents the face off between two opposing forces, and on the positive side, this can mean coming to terms, reconciliation, and open discussions. In both the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent, negotiators continue to seek peaceful solutions to historical problem areas.

However, now that Mars has entered Leo, militantism is on the rise. When under stress from other planets, Mars in Leo tends to be excessively proud and arrogant, and doesn't back down from a fight. Mars gets energized repeatedly throughout August, so we can expect this month to be punctuated by severe violence, terrorism, and/or military showdowns.

India's horoscope (August 15, 1947; 12:00 am; New Delhi) shows an immediate and dangerous situation developing. At the moment, India's fourth house cusp, one of the four major angles in a horoscope, is highly sensitized to a Mars transit (by progressed Pluto exactly conjunct this angle). Diplomats and peacemakers who fear nuclear confrontation will have their hands full as transiting Mars passes over this point between August 19 and 24.

The Queen Mother Turns 100

When Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons was the pick of the debutantes in the 1920s, there was no hint that her husband-to-be, the Duke of York, would one day be king. Born a commoner, and thrust into prominence by marriage and fate, Elizabeth eventually became the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother was born to rule with her Sun in royal Leo (August 4, 1900; 12:30 am; London*) and her Moon in controlling Scorpio. The emotional command inherent in this lunar position is dramatically enhanced by a close aspect (an inconjunction) to Pluto, giving her a double dose of this intense vibration. Although several other natal placements confer kindness, charm, and wit, the Moon in Scorpio and linked to Pluto represents an indomitable will behind a smiling persona, and the power behind the throne.

When the Duke of Windsor abdicated on December 11, 1936 to marry the American socialite Wallis Simpson, Elizabeth became the Queen Consort and her stammering husband "Bertie" became King George VI. The Queen Consort took the lead in most social occasions, and ensured that Mrs. Simpson never received the title Her Royal Highness that might have led to the establishment of rival courts.

Judy Hall in her book "The Hades Moon" details how British Queens and other matriarchies have ruled through the influence of their natal Moon-Pluto aspects, a signature that also runs through Queen Victoria (who gave her name to an entire era) and Queen Elizabeth II. Rose Kennedy, the Kennedy clan matriarch, was born with a Moon-Pluto trine, and lived to be over 100. The Moon-Pluto combination dominates a natal horoscope, and evidently bestows long life.

* Data is rated DD, is not 100 percent reliable.

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