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NewsScope for July 17, 2000
by WolfStar

SPluto Determines Fate of Jerusalem

With the self-imposed deadline of September 13 looming over the Isreali-Palestinian negotiations, the fate of Jerusalem has become the decisive issue, and the final hurdle before achieving a meaningful and lasting accord. The inimical absolutes, the fierce violence and hatred, as well as the sacred sites associated with Jerusalem are astrologically correlated with Pluto, and Pluto by transit is now reaching maximum potency.

On August 20 Pluto turns direct, a date which can be likened to the center of a hurricane. For the month preceding and following August 20 Pluto moves so slowly that it remains in just one degree of the zodiac. Any horoscope with key angles or planets aligned with this degree becomes radically empowered with all the unwavering willfulness and moral righteousness that Pluto in Sagittarius fosters.

Israel’s horoscope (May 4, 1948; 4:37 pm; Tel Aviv) provides a primary lens to view the Jerusalem question. This past weekend the Camp David meetings took place as transiting Pluto was exactly, to-the-minute opposite Israel’s Mercury, the planet of talks and documented accords. Pluto to Mercury naturally implies the complex diplomatic efforts currently underway.

Political astrologers will note that Jupiter is in Gemini now, and throughout August and early September will be opposing Pluto. On September 4 these two align perfectly with Israel’s Mercury, indicating that even if Arafat and Barak can agree, this divisive issue will only become more intractable and exasperating over the next two months. Astrology and the Theory of Everything

Albert Einstein spent the last thirty years of his life searching for an elusive theory that would reconcile contradictory views of electromagnetism and gravity. Einstein’s dream of a Unified Field Theory eventually became the Holy Grail of modern physics. Now, with the recent development of string theory, physicists believe they have constructed a Theory of Everything (TOE), a single, all-inclusive description of the universe.

Astrologers would have no problem with the essential premise of string theory, namely, that the universe at its most fundamental level is not made of particles, but looped strings that vibrate. All microscopic particles, from electrons to quarks to gravitons, are composed of identical strings, with observable characteristics determined by varying vibrational patterns. Gravity, in this theory, derives from a coherent array of vibrating gravitons.

In the past astrologers have tried to explain how the distant planets influence human affairs by using the outdated paradigms of electromagnetism or gravity. String theory neatly unites widely diverging scales of the observable universe into arrays of resonating vibrations. In string theory, a black hole - the most gargantuan of heavenly bodies, is equated to an elementary particle - the most minute speck of matter. The difference is ascribed to cosmic phase transitions, and comparable to the phase transitions of H2O from ice to water to gas at specific temperatures.

The astrological extension of string theory would include symbolism, which is likewise a resonating vibrational pattern. For example, the influence of Saturn reaches a predictable peak of manifestation when it makes specific geometric angles to other planets. Personal, professional, and national affairs simultaneously enter a Saturn phase transition when Saturn the planet is vibrationally activated. Now the most advanced theoretical model of the universe, the Theory of Everything, logically includes and validates astrology.

J.K.Rowling’s Magical Mystery Tour

Celebrated author J.K.Rowling was divorced and on welfare when she wrote the first Harry Potter story while hanging out at a coffee shop. Her rags to riches transformation was not only a personal success, but a literary coup in the publishing world as she virtually single-handedly brought the joy of reading back to young adults.

Joanne Kathleen Rowling was born a creative Leo (July 31, 1965; Chipping, Sodbury, England; time unknown) with her Moon in hard-working, analytical Virgo. Several other planets tenant Virgo, including the epochal Uranus-Pluto conjunction and Venus, all of which adds a great deal of humility to what could otherwise become an arrogant Leo.

Individuals born in 1965 and 1966 share a common astrological configuration, which at the time coincided with social upheaval across the globe. The Flower Children of that era gave birth to a new revolution through their children, although most have found that the competing energies implied by the Uranus-Pluto conjunction opposite Saturn and Chiron are extremely difficult to balance.

The closest planetary aspect in Rowling’s horoscope is Jupiter in literary Gemini squaring Chiron in fantasy-oriented Pisces. Jupiter grows and finds opportunity by writing; Chiron in Pisces can be wounded or feel victimized (Rowling’s poverty and divorce), but can heal and find purpose by sharing a sense of mysticism or a utopian vision. The tension between these two planets led to writing about magic, and a kind of transcendent mysticism that many in the sixties experienced through drugs, rock concerts, and communal living experiments.

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