Past Issues

NewsScope for July 10, 2000
by WolfStar

Solar Eclipse Empowers Latinos

George W. Bush and Al Gore were actively playing the Latino card last week, speaking Spanish to assembled crowds and selling programs that favor the growing Spanish-American community. Demographically, Latinos are by far the fastest growing segment of the American population, and are especially influential in the important swing states of Texas, Florida, and California.

From an astrological perspective, the shifting ethnic background of the electorate reached a critical mass last week following the July 1 Solar Eclipse. This eclipse took place very close to the U.S. Sun, which in the Scorpio Rising national horoscope is found in the ninth house. Since the ninth house is often associated with foreigners, the American people have been called a nation of immigrants. As the Solar Eclipse involved assertive Mars, American Latinos are now proudly claiming their place in the election process.

Resonating with the U.S. Latino population reaching political self-awareness was Mexico's stunning Presidential election of opposition candidate Vicente Fox. Fox was born on July 2, 1942 with his Sun exactly aligned with the Solar Eclipse. Fox's Jupiter happens to be in the same location as the U.S. Jupiter, so we can expect him to facilitate a wave of economic prosperity by this astrological alliance.

The PRI's first defeat overturns rule by an entrenched oligarchy and corrupt bureaucracies. Mexico's current form of government was established when the new Constitution was signed on January 31, 1917 (4:00 pm LMT; Quetara, Mexico). This Constitution radically reduced the Catholic Church's influence, and now, one Uranus cycle later, the revolution is given new life.

Mercury Hits the Hot Spot

Mercury retrograde is known by astrologers for causing all kinds of misinformation, faulty logic, and disconnections. Most astrologers advise against signing any significant documents during this phase, or beginning any new projects, especially those that rely on accurate information and communications. Once Mercury turns direct, situations are clarified, important announcements are made, and strategies can be safely initiated.

On July 17, 2000 at 8:16 pm EDT Mercury turns direct at an unusually potent zodiacal location. The phenomenon of Mercury retrograde is a relatively common and benign influence, occurring three times a year for about three weeks on each occasion. However, this time Mercury makes its station (it's turning point) at the exact same degree as the July 1 Solar Eclipse.

The inherent meaning of a Solar Eclipse may remain dormant until it gets triggered by another planet, such as this Mercury station. Watch around July 17 for important announcements involving national policies, or from the candidates, the unveiling of new political strategies. We can expect major news stories that stress ethnic or national origin since the Solar Eclipse took place in Cancer, the sign of family and roots. A prime example is the renewed trouble in Northern Ireland, where the eclipse opposed the UK Sun.

Individuals with planets in Cancer (notably, around 7 to 13 degrees) will be highly sensitive to this Mercury station. Family developments are likely, and if you know what house Mercury is currently transiting, your affairs related to this house will be emotionally charged. Turf battles are likely to defend one's personal authority, dwelling space, or comfort zone.

Venus Takes Center Court

Last Thursday Venus Williams thundered past younger sister Serena in the Wimbledon's semifinals, and then went on to take the women's crown against the defending champion Saturday. When she's not thrilling tennis crowds, Venus is a fashion trendsetter, displaying her natural beauty with brightly braided hair and personally designed clothes.

Astrologers would not be surprised that Venus Williams was born with her Sun conjunct Venus (June 17, 1980; 2:12 pm; Lynwood, CA). The stylish love planet Venus is made prominent by being the ruler of the chart since charming Libra is the Rising Sign. In Venus's horoscope the planet Venus is retrograde, which holds the love nature in check to pursue an ambitious tennis career.

Much of the older sister's horoscope reflects the extraordinary strength evident in her dominating serve and physical endurance. Competitive Mars is given discipline by being conjunct Saturn, with both of them squaring (challenging) her Sun-Venus combination. Saturn resides in the secretive twelfth house, and can be equated to the father-coach who pushes, criticizes, and guides from behind the scenes. Then powerful Pluto is near the Ascendant where it enhances her overall resourcefulness and skill by trining her Sun-Venus.

The asteroid Vesta is specifically associated with sisters, and not coincidentally Venus Williams also has her Sun conjunct Vesta. The Williams sisters define, support, and test each other by their sibling rivalry. The older sister Venus had the astrological advantage* this time since the Solar Eclipse and Mars were near her point of honor, the Midheaven, otherwise known as Center Court.

* Advanced astrologers will note that this eclipse hit Venus's progressed Vesta exactly. Reader feedback is welcome.

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