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NewsScope for June 12, 2000
by WolfStar

Saturn Points to Global Warming, Campaign Finances

After four years of study, a blue ribbon panel of scientists released a Congressionally mandated report to determine the national impact of global warming. The grim forecast predicts harmful effects on human health, agriculture, forest, and coastal areas. While critics questioned the significance of the report, a three-year hot-spell has led to unprecedented drought and uncontrollable wildfires across the west, southwest and Florida.

Astrologically, the importance of this study can be seen through the transit of Saturn to the U.S. horoscope. Saturn governs the most serious, consequential issues, and at the moment is forming a square to the U.S. Moon. Natally, the Moon is in the fourth house which describes domestic affairs, and especially the ecological terrain. The nation's Moon, as the primary indicator of the people's security needs, is under stress from Saturn.

The U.S. Moon's current activation is heightened by a confluence of other astrological factors (especially a conjunction from the progressed Sun). Still, Saturn's transit brings the timing of the most eventful changes. Watch between now and June 20 when Saturn forms it's exact square to the U.S. Moon for the most significant confrontations, threats, and actual attacks on national security.

Saturn is in Taurus, the money sign, and is challenging the democratic ideals, freedoms, and processes associated with the Aquarius Moon. Largely through John McCain's efforts, the American people have become increasingly skeptical of the campaign finance process. Over the next week both Presidential hopefuls begin spending mega-millions in political propaganda, kicking off the most expensive election cycle in history.

Pluto and the Conquistadores

Every year a by-invitation only gathering of top airline executives meet in Jackson, Wyoming to play and make deals. The exclusive club, known as the Conquistadores, is pruning its membership as a wave of corporate consolidation hits the airline industry. The recent merger announcement between United Airlines and US Airways added to the list of major deals already struck between American Airlines and Northwest, Delta and Continental, and British Airways and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.

Tracking major developments in the aerospace industry can be viewed astrologically through the lens of the First Flight horoscope (December 17, 1903; 10:35 am; Kitty Hawk, NC). This chart reflects all kinds of flight events, including space exploration, major accidents or terrorists incidents, and corporate developments.

At the moment all the outer planets are making very tight connections to this First Flight chart. Most significantly, transiting Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius (hitting the Ascendant and Saturn) are breaking up the status quo. The weaker players are either bought out or forced into mergers, as the Aquarian globalization process unfolds by creating a network of alliances and partnerships.

The CEOs of these companies rule by financial, personal, and political influence, as symbolized by Pluto. Pluto is the ultimate Conquistadore, and is now transiting across the First Flight Moon, describing how the Conquistadores are competing for air routes and frequent flyers' loyalty. Analysts see an end game phase when the airline industry will be globally dominated by only three corporations. Already two of them have been named, and in complete accordance with the Aquarian symbolism: OneWorld and Star Alliance.

Hafez Assad's Death Upsets Balance

A recent chain of historic Middle East events climaxed last weekend with the death of Syrian President Hafez Assad. Only two weeks earlier Israel abruptly withdrew from southern Lebanon, removing a key obstacle to peace talks with Syria. Then Israeli Prime Minister Barak's ruling coalition fell apart last week, leaving all negotiations in limbo.

Hafez Assad was born a diplomatic Libra, the sign of balance and partnership (October 6, 1930; Qerdaha, Syria; time unknown). His entire political career was devoted to creating partnerships with neighboring Arab states to form a pan-Islamic nation. With his Sun opposite Uranus in aggressive Aries, his alliances were designed to isolate Israel as a common military enemy. Known as a shrewd politician, Assad kept friends and foes guessing with unpredictable shifts in alliances.

The Sun-Uranus aspect is a common combination in dictators' charts, and Assad ruled ruthlessly ever since seizing power on November 13, 1970. At the time of this coup d'etat, revolutionary Uranus had traveled exactly one half its cycle to form a conjunction with Assad's Sun. Assad's willingness to use absolute force to defend his territory, beliefs, and personal power can be seen in the awesome triple conjunction of Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto.

One of the most important geopolitical cycles is the Jupiter-Saturn cycle. Assad was born when these two culture-shaping planets were opposed to each other. His coup d-etat was accomplished under a similar opposition. Now, after one Saturn cycle of being in power, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin to mark a major ending and new beginning in Middle East affairs.

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