Past Issues

NewsScope for June 5, 2000
by WolfStar

Redesigning the Atomic Age

President Clinton's summit meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin focused on rogue nations as the ultimate nuclear threat with the intention of redesigning the ABM Treaty. American national security analysts favor a high-tech electronic shield still under intense research, while the Russian plan would target missiles shortly after they're launched rather than after they've had time to deploy decoys.

Political astrologers tracking nuclear developments can use the Atomic Age horoscope, set for the detonation of the first atomic bomb (July 16, 1945; 5:29:45 am MWT; Alamogordo, NM). This chart features the war planet Mars in earthy Taurus, where it's primary expression is to defend territory. At the moment the great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction is taking place right on the Atomic Age Mars, leading to these significant discussions.

The ABM Treaty, signed by Nixon and Brezhnev on May 26, 1972, was a product of the Cold War and the technology of that time. The curious astrologer will find sharp connections between this treaty and the Atomic Age chart. Now that transiting Uranus is opposed to the ABM Mercury, the natural ruler of treaties, it's time to consider radical changes.

The American military-industrial-complex wants to devise an incredibly expensive and sophisticated electronic umbrella. The main threats are from North Korea, Libya, Iraq, and a handful of other rogue nations and terrorist groups. However, as Defense Secretary Cohen said recently, the odds are better that over the next decade some American city will be hit not by a missile, but by a nuclear or biological bomb packed in a decidedly low-tech suitcase.

NASDAQ Soars with Record gains

Lately, when the planets favor the stock markets, the NYSE goes up, but the NASDAQ soars. When the planets call for retrenchment, the NYSE slips but the NASDAQ plummets. This emerging business cycle is part of the volatile New Economy, led by various technology sectors, and made plain by last week's stupendous NASDAQ rally.

May's tense planetary alignments between Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus, and Uranus in Aquarius were bound to upset the high-flying technology issues. Financial analysts and investors alike all agreed that the Dot-coms were over-priced since most had no earnings. But ever since transiting Pluto was conjunct the NASDAQ Mars last November, the technology stocks were on a steady climb upwards.

The end of the surging bull came on March 10 when the NASDAQ reached it's high just above 5100, and as transiting Uranus was conjunct the NASDAQ Sun. From there the market fell to its low near 3100 on May 26, the last trading day before the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Coincidentally, that was also when Uranus, the planet associated with market volatility, just turned retrograde. Financial astrologers will note that a convergence of major astrological indicators corresponds to major trend changes.

Now Uranus is heading back to its second conjunction with the NASDAQ Sun, scheduled for August 2, but within effective range over the next three months. During this same phase transiting Pluto is returning to conjunct Mars, propelling any price movement no matter which direction. The favorable combination of Mars trine Uranus last Friday led to NASDAQ's best week ever, a record 19 percent gain.

Bob Hope, Thanks for the Memories

America's favorite comedian Bob Hope spend his 97th birthday in the hospital last week, recovering from a bout of intestinal bleeding. Although his condition was listed as critical, doctors said he should recover as well as can be expected for someone his age.

Bob Hope was born a witty Gemini (May 29, 1903; Eltham, England; 3:36 pm*) with his Moon is sentimental, traditional Cancer. His rapid-fire one-liners made him a triple-threat superstar of radio, film, and television, and astrologically can be attributed to his Mercury-Pluto conjunction in Gemini. This combination gives keen observations, and a compulsive drive to talk.

Hope's Libra Ascendant indicates he meets the world best through partnership. His famous comic feud with crooner Bing Crosby formed the basis of the popular On the Road pictures. Then his ongoing partnership with Dolores created memories from vaudeville, through the overseas tours, to her beautiful Christmas rendition of Silent Night in Vietnam. They were married on February 19, 1934 when transiting Jupiter was conjunct his Libra Ascendant.

Hope became an American treasure during World War II when he traveled the world to entertain Allied troops (and during that era's Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Gemini, near his Sun). When he carried on this cherished campaign in the Korean War, and later during the Vietnam War, Hope became a favorite American institution. Hope's horoscope has strong links to the U.S. horoscope, notably his North Node, the indicator of destiny, conjunct the U.S. Saturn, ruler of American institutions.

* Birth time is rated C, questionable.

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