Past Issues

NewsScope for May 29, 2000
by WolfStar

Jupiter-Saturn Cycle Establishes Corporate Power

Last Wednesday (May 24) two historic milestones were reached in the nation's capitol: the China trade agreement was passed by Congress, and the Democrats and Republicans raised a record $40 million in rival galas for campaign cash. While the corporate value of the China deal is unknown (but certainly huge), corporate executives and lobbyists paid up to $500,000 to sit next to congressional leaders who are considering legislation affecting their businesses.

Though technically unrelated, these events have equivalent astrological indicators. Both demonstrate the dominant power of corporate America in shaping the political landscape, and took place during the epochal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus. Astrologers associate the Jupiter-Saturn cycle with the setting of political, economic and cultural trends. Since this conjunction took place in the money sign of Taurus, we have a renewed cycle of Big Money in Washington.

The exact date of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction was May 28, but the days, or even weeks leading up to this astrological event describe a relevant range when the essential meaning of the process unfolds. For pinpointing the precise day within this range (or orb) when key events take place, look for the faster moving planets to act as "triggers."

Why did these two historic events happen on May 24? The political asteroid Pallas Athene was the critical timer. For an event to have any historical import, something must activate the fateful Midheaven. Pallas, which governs political strategy, was right on the U.S. Midheaven.

Israel's Vietnam

Fulfilling an election campaign promise, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak ordered a full withdrawal from occupied southern Lebanon last week, leaving a vacuum quickly filled by Hezbollah forces. U.S. observers compared the chaotic evacuation to the 1975 withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, with the same wounded national pride.

Astrologically, the parallels between Israel's occupation of Lebanon and the U.S. occupation of Vietnam are especially stark when comparing the invasion and withdrawal dates. The last American soldiers were airlifted from Saigon on April 30, 1975 as Saturn was transiting across the U.S. Sun. At the moment, Saturn is now passing over Israel's Sun and in both cases the departure has led to much national soul-searching.

When Saturn forms a conjunction with a nation's Sun, the time arrives to take a hard look at errant policies and cut the losses. The Sun, symbol for the nation's pride and honor, takes a hit, but corrections are made, and lessons learned. Israel (May 14, 1948; 4:37 pm; Tel Aviv) and the U.S. share democratic ideals, but since both have Scorpio Rising, each is also a God-fearing warrior nation, defending itself against evil enemies. (See Charlton Heston's chart from last week's NewsScope for a human face with Scorpio Rising).

Israel first invaded Lebanon on June 6, 1982 when opportunistic and self-righteous Jupiter was exactly on its Scorpio Ascendant. The U.S. got involved in Vietnam under JFK's watch when foggy-brained Neptune was on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant. In both cases the national insistence that "God is on our side" was inspired by the two religious planets Jupiter and Neptune, but was eventually cut back by realistic Saturn.

Dana Carvey's Botched Surgery

Funnyman Dana Carvey agreed to an out-of-court settlement last week to end a $7.5 million lawsuit against the doctor who botched his heart surgery three years ago. Although terms of the settlement weren't revealed, Carvey said the money is earmarked for charities with most going to cardiac research.

Dana Carvey was born a bright and bold Aries (April 2, 1955;* Missoula, MT; time unknown) during an era when every outer planet was involved in a tight configuration. Carvey's Mercury and Mars link his personal style with the larger influences of that time (represented by the outer planets), making him a spokesperson or channel for the collective archetypal images of a generation.

Carvey's wacky impersonations and caricatures can be attributed to his clever Mercury in the chameleon sign of Pisces, which draws drama, cunning, and importance by aspecting virtually every planet in his horoscope. Then, his underlying anti-establishment humor can be seen in his Mars placement. Mars gains in importance by being the ruler of his Sun sign, as well as through its network of close aspects, most notably the opposition to the control-freak Saturn in Scorpio (remember the Church Lady?).

Astrologers have been known to recommend best dates for surgery, and one favorite avoidance pattern is when Neptune is prominently placed. Neptune's inherent nebulousness and uncertainty can lead to serious mistakes. At the time of Carvey's surgery on September 25, 1997 transiting Neptune was exactly squaring his natal Neptune.

* Respected celebrity databases give conflicting birth dates, with June 2, 1955 the most common alternative. I went with the April 2, 1955 when comparing the secondary progressions of each chart to the surgery date. The relevant indicators here are P2 Sun conjunct Mars, P2 Venus trine Pluto, and transit Saturn in Aries near Carvey's Sun at the time of surgery.

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