Past Issues

NewsScope for May 1, 2000
by WolfStar

Juno and the Boy Scouts

Last week the Supreme Court heard a New Jersey case which may ultimately determine if gays can be excluded from the Boy Scouts for not being "morally straight." Meanwhile, in Vermont the governor signed the nation's first bill that would grant gay and lesbian couples all the benefits of marriage.

These publicized events surrounding sexual orientation can be seen astrologically in the cosmic confrontation of planets gathering between Taurus and Aquarius. Taurus represents traditional values, while Aquarius represents inclusion of all regardless of their beliefs or practices.

At the center of the Taurus alignment is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Saturn in Taurus supports what works over the long term, while Jupiter is interested in morality and ethics. These two work together to establish a consensus around moral values. Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius have their own agenda which is often at odds with tradition. Uranus and Neptune are seeking to create a new order.

Juno, a small but not insignificant asteroid, governs the committed relationship. Juno is in Aquarius too, participating in this grand planetary configuration. Juno in Aquarius tends toward the unusual and non-traditional relationship. At the moment Juno is conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, heightening her ability to upset the status quo, especially the Boy Scouts*. The Juno-Uranus conjunction is taking place right on the Boy Scouts Sun.

MicroSoft's Two-For-One Split

The Justice Department submitted a detailed proposal to split software giant Microsoft into two companies last Friday, while Bill Gates and company vowed to fight all the way to the Supreme Court. Over one half of Americans are now invested in the stock market with Microsoft their number one choice.

Financial astrologers have increasingly turned to a company's First Trade chart to analyze the stock's potential fortunes. Microsoft first traded on the NASDAQ on March 13, 1986 (9:30 am, NYC). Microsoft's dynamic, aggressive nature can be clearly seen in its extremely tight Mars-Uranus conjunction squaring the Sun. The First Trade chart also reflects the company's financial clout with it's many close ties (Venus, Neptune, Pluto, and Ceres) to the U.S. Jupiter, the planet of wealth and abundance.

MicroSoft and its stockholders believe that the company has virtually single-handedly transformed the American economy into the world's high-tech leader. Astrologically, the placement of MSFT's Pluto, the planet of transformation, is right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, and confirms this belief. However, Pluto can be a tyrant or predator, and last year when transiting Pluto arrived on MSFT's seventh house Saturn, the protectors of fair competition felt empowered to launch a legal challenge.

This week's seven-planet alignment in Taurus has a relevant precedent. In 1882 seven planets were in Taurus as well, a cosmic situation which fostered corporate conglomerates. On January 2, 1882 five planets were in Taurus (including Jupiter and Saturn) when John D. Rockefeller created America's first great monopoly, the Standard Oil Trust. Saturn was in Taurus again on May 15, 1911 but opposite Jupiter when the Supreme Court ordered the break-up of Standard Oil.

Giuliani's State of Confusion

New York City Mayor Giuliani announced last Thursday that he has an early, treatable form of prostrate cancer, and needs time to consider his health options. The surprise revelation threw doubt into his willingness to run a competitive Senate campaign against Hillary Clinton. During a hesitant moment at a Republican fundraiser he admitted that he was in a state of real confusion.

Rudolph Giuliani was born a versatile Gemini (May 28, 1944; Brooklyn NY; time unknown) with a no-nonsense, powerful Mars-Pluto conjunction in royal Leo. This Mars-Pluto placement is where the mayor gets his intense, ruthless drive to win, and what some would call a cold-hearted approach to law enforcement.

Incidentally, Hillary Clinton also has a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Leo, and with both candidates drawing on this edgy, aggressive component of their psyches, the campaign was already turning bitter with severe attacks and counter-attacks. Giuliani's health situation arose just as transiting Neptune, the planet of ego dissolution and bewilderment, opposed his Mars-Pluto.

Giuliani wants to run (his progressed Mars squares the Sun), but Neptune only gets stronger over the campaign season, increasing his self-doubt and uncertainty. And then transiting Saturn is about to square his Jupiter, which severely limits his enthusiasm and pride. His best bet, if he chooses to run, is to recast himself in Neptune's clothes: as the sympathetic, cancer-stricken front-runner. This same Neptune transit is what made Bill Bradley lose his appeal. Soon, Giuliani's state of confusion will refer to New York.

* The Boy Scouts was founded on February 8, 1910.

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