Past Issues

NewsScope for April 24, 2000
by WolfStar

Elian Reunited with his Father

Elian Gonzalez was reunited with his father last Saturday following a pre-dawn raid by federal marshals who snatched him from his Miami relatives. Meanwhile, angry protestors flooded Miami's Little Havana streets, waving Cuban flags and crucifixes, and displaying a picture of Elian being confronted by an armed INS agent with the words "federal child abuse."

Why has the Elian Gonzalez case become the greatest single news story of the year? While the pending seven-planet alignment in Taurus has alerted astrologers to expect historic developments, the simultaneous activation of the Moon in the U.S. horoscope is the key for understanding the full import of these events.

The Moon in political astrology refers to family, as well as a nation's people with all their lunar needs for financial and domestic security. In the U.S. chart the Moon is in Aquarius, highlighting the people's requirement for basic freedoms. Most relevant to the Elian case is that the Moon rules the 9th house of foreign affairs, reflecting the fact that the U.S. is a nation of immigrants.

Jupiter and Saturn square the U.S. Moon in June, and simultaneously the U.S. progressed Sun is conjunct the Moon. This confluence of astrological red flags shows the emotional turmoil surrounding the various elements of family, patriotism, and foreign origin associated with the America's Aquarius Moon.

Collectively, we are Elian; we are aliens, cut off from our past, and uncertain about our future. We are a free society divided by our ethnic, national, and religious roots, and in the last few decades, increasingly divided by divorce. Individually, each of us at some level can identify with this 6-year old boy.

Op-Ed: Astrology as Cosmic Language

What if today's mainstream scientists are wrong, and astrology actually works? What does that say about the nature of reality? Perhaps astrology's method of categorizing experience implies that the structure of our universe is much different than we assume. Famed astrologer Charles Carter described how the planets do not create events, but represent categories of similar elements that operate on different planes of consciousness.

In the cosmic language of astrology, the physical planet is only one member of a set of related elements that have an inner affinity; the planet then acts as the symbolic representative for the entire set. Accordingly, no mysterious or unseen rays emanate from the planets to cause events. Rather the activated planet is a signal for the simultaneous activation of associated symbols and events.

In the same vein, Dennis Elwell writes in his recently released book "Cosmic Loom," that the planets are not instigators. Just as mathematics is a language that explains quantitative relationships, astrology explains qualitative relationships. Mathematics doesn't cause anything, nor does astrology; both are languages to understand the nature of reality.

The growing acceptance of astrology indicates a fundamental change in perception and awareness about the nature of reality. Thinking astrologers find themselves in the company of quantum physicists and those who postulate a holographic universe, both of which tout fringe scientific hypotheses verging on breakthrough recognition. These theoreticians hold that the structure of our universe is indivisible from the consciousness that sees meaning, or as Carl Jung might say, from our collective psyche.

Cybill Disobedience

Destined to be a number one bestseller, Cybill Disobedience is Cybill Shepherd's candid story of her tumultuous Hollywood career. Shepherd reveals the steamy details of her torrid love affairs, including an amazing fling with Elvis at Graceland. The book captures her fierce determination to succeed, and her irrepressible urge to speak her mind.

Cybill Shepherd was born an independent Aquarius (on February 18, 1950; 7:52 pm; Memphis, TN). Three other planets in Aquarius and Uranus at the Midheaven accent her drive for personal independence and the freedom to come and go as she pleases. The marriage asteroid Juno is very near her Ascendant and nearly exactly trine Venus, giving her an abundance of charm, grace, and people skills.

Juno squares Uranus in Cancer (the home wrecker), creating tremendous tension between her need for a committed relationship and having her own career. Then Mercury, the natural ruler of writing, is conjunct the romantic Venus in the fifth house of love affairs, a configuration which describes the sensational focus of her book.

Transiting Neptune has been passing back and forth over Shepherd's Mercury as Cybill Disobedience was conceived and completed. Now, as the book appears to the American public, her progressed Midheaven is exactly conjunct her Pluto, indicating broad appeal and unprecedented celebrity status.

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