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NewsScope for February 28, 2000
by WolfStar

Power to the People

The see-saw momentum shifts between Senator McCain and Governor Bush has turned this election season into a genuine horse race. Voters for the first time in many years realize that their decisions are having a significant impact in the primaries, causing record turnouts and unbridled enthusiasm for the political process.

As discussed in recent NewsScope columns, both McCain and Bush have strong horoscopes at the moment, and Al Gore's is likewise developing favorably. All three candidates are in the national spotlight because they each represent a strong American archetype now being activated in the U.S. horoscope. This archetype is the eldest or favorite son of a favorite American family, and is represented by the conjunction of the Moon with Pallas Athena in the Scorpio Rising chart.

For the first time in U.S. history the progressed Sun is conjunct the Moon (exact on June 19), a time which empowers the people who mischieviously over-ride the choice of the established political order. Simultaneously, the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus reflect the tension between the established order (Saturn) which has endorsed Bush, and the maverick, populist upstart (Uranus) personified by McCain.

While this columnist is certainly no prophet or psychic, these planetary conditions seem to uphold the McCain insurgency. Since structural Saturn forms an exact inconjunct (150 degree aspect) with transformative Pluto on Super Tuesday (March 7), the GOP establishment will probably need a major adjustment to support McCain in November.

The Feng Shui of Geopolitics

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui is now reaching western cultures as a mystical form of interior decorating. By balancing color schemes, strategically placing furniture, and other tricks of the trade, one can facilitate the harmonious flow of "chi," and thereby attract success and wealth. The abstract principles of Feng Shui (pronounced "fung shway") are also found in Acupressure, and may have practical use in geopolitical situations.

Fung Shui is the art of finding sacred places where the breath of life (chi) can thrive and move freely. The landform of a mountain with all its ridges, hills, and watercourses brings the greatest concentration of harmonious chi, and is represented by a dragon. The dragon in Asian cultures symbolizes royalty, prosperity, wisdom, and benevolence, and is often associated with the emperor, or seat of power.

In a landscape, a large dragon mountain is often complemented by a smaller hill, which is symbolized by a tiger. Where the dragon meets the tiger is the greatest possible place for luck and harmony, but also for danger. It's the hinge or elbow, and either this critical juncture is blessed by flowing chi, or suffers from "sha" which is the stagnant chi that can harm the entire region.

On the geopolitical scale, the world has several notable dragons, including the United States, China, Russia, and the European Union. Each of these Dragons currently is attempting to deal with a nearby tiger: Cuba, Taiwan, Chechnya, and Austria. Each regional tiger is in relatively the same compass direction, size, and irritant factor to its imperial dragon. Theoretically, through the sympathetic magic of Feng Shui, the U.S. could move toward world peace by mending its relations with Cuba.

Supernatural Carlos Santana

Guitarist Carlos Santana decided after channeling an entity named Metatron that he needed to "reconnect the molecules to the light." The fabulous result was the collaborative rock album Supernatural, which last week won a record eight Grammy Awards. In accepting the award, Santana said "This is for all the people who don't have running water or electricity. If I could do it, you could do it."

Carlos Santana was born with his Sun in roots-oriented Cancer (on July 20, 1947, 2:00 am; Autlan de Navarro, Mexico). Taurus Rising is a natural music lover, and a theatrical Leo Moon performs radiantly at the center of attention. A Grand Trine, consisting of Mars, Neptune, and his Midheaven bestows technical wizardry on the guitar, which applies to his career as a famous musician.

A Saturn-Pluto conjunction right on his fourth house cusp emanates with the strength of his ancestors which is transmitted through his father, and permeates his soul. Santana thanked his father, a mariachi violinist, for teaching him the value of music. This powerful Saturn-Pluto combination is in creative Leo, and gives a tremendous desire to have a cultural impact on the world.

The mystical bend in Santana's music and personality derive from his Grand Trine in water, connecting a religious Jupiter in Scorpio with a visionary Pallas in Pisces, and artistically communicated via Mercury and Venus in Cancer. When asked how he could account for his recent success, he said "It has a lot to do with grace and synchronicity."

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