Past Issues

NewsScope for February 7, 2000
by WolfStar

The Dark Side of Aquarius

In a flurry of sudden crises and revolutionary developments, political events last week held the feeling-tone of an earthquake. In China plainclothes police swarmed Tiananmen Square, beating and detaining followers of the Falun Gong sect who were celebrating beginning of the Year of the Dragon. Terrorists' bombs in Tehran, a defiant IRA, and a resurgent Neo-Nazi movement in Austria kept political observers on full alert.

The epicenter for these disruptive events was last week's Solar Eclipse in Aquarius which became extraordinarily potent due to its alignment with Uranus, the planet of sudden upheavals and surprising changes. The sign of Aquarius, apart from the airy utopianism of the New Age movement, has a Dark Side, a kind of intolerant extremism that promotes specific national, racial, ethnic, or religious criteria.

The primary example of this ultra-nationalism is found in the Third Reich horoscope (Sun-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius). Perhaps Austria's national horoscope (Moon in Aquarius opposing a dictatorial Pluto Rising) also demonstrates this quality. Last week Austria formed a new government with the anti-immigration Freedom Party, triggering diplomatic protests from the E.U. to the U.S. State Department, and to widespread street violence within Austria.

The major global powers, including China, the United States, the European Union, and Russia all have important planets in Aquarius. As Uranus and Neptune slowly pass through Aquarius over the next few years, we'll certainly experience expanding social and political movements that test the borders of who is Us and who is Them.

Presidential Astrology

What does it take to become the President of the United States? Besides the obvious personal ambition, diplomatic skills, and political savvy - traits which many aspirants possess, only one individual eventually manages the metamorphic transition into the most powerful leader in the Global Village. The unmeasureable, transcendental element of Fate certainly plays a role, and no academic or scientific study can determine how an individual's fate or destiny predisposes him to becoming President.

Political Astrology, on the other hand, can claim to have insights into this murky subject, especially if one is dealing with accurate birth chart information. What makes understanding American politics difficult is that there is no consensus around a U.S. horoscope, no road map to use to decipher which one candidate is in the right place at the right time.

NewsScope favors a Scorpio Rising USA horoscope, and from this chart it becomes clear that John McCain is the most likely candidate to become the next President. For example, using the forecasting technique of secondary progressions (based on the formula that one day after birth equals one year), McCain's horoscope and the USA horoscope become synchronized. No other candidate shows these remarkable parallels.

His progressed Sun is exactly conjunct the Scorpio Ascendant showing how America's identity perfectly fits what McCain has become at this point in time. It's no accident that Teddy Roosevelt is McCain's role model, since Teddy Roosevelt's Scorpio Sun was also right on the USA Ascendant. The USA progressed Ascendant* and Jupiter are currently right on his Midheaven, bestowing recognition, wealth (as in campaign contributions) and ultimately, victory.

President John McCain's Agenda

While pundits and reporters are not yet proclaiming the political obituary of George W. Bush, and Al Gore continues to grow in political strength, something magic is in the air around John McCain. The palpable tidal wave of enthusiasm peaked during last week's Solar Eclipse by which time McCain had overcome a 20 point deficit in Bush Country, (the so-called "firewall" state of South Carolina), and $2 million in campaign contributions arrived via the internet.

According to information obtained from McCain's medical records by astrologer Rowena Wall, the Senator from Arizona was born at 9:00 am on August 29, 1936 in Panama City, Panama. With reform-minded Pluto in his tenth house of career and reputation, McCain assumes great pride in taking on what he calls the Iron Triangle of Money, Politics, and Legislation.

At the moment, and for the next four years, the critical configuration in his horoscope is his Mars-Uranus square. John McCain's progressed Sun this year is conjunct the USA Ascendant, and next year opposes his natal Uranus. Then during the following three years, his progressed Sun goes on to square his Mars, creating a highly confrontational, volatile, and potentially explosive term in office.

Campaign finance reform certainly fits the symbolism of this progression, since his Uranus is in the money-sign of Taurus. However, this Uranus is also in the seventh house of open enemies in the US horoscope, and we should not be surprised if managing dangerous military situations suddenly becomes the top item on McCain's White House agenda.

* Those with astrology software will find many other precise links between McCain's personal horoscope and the USA Scorpio Rising chart. Compare, for example his Moon and the US Pluto, his Ascendant and the US progressed Mars.

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