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NewsScope for January 31, 2000
by WolfStar

The Kingmaker and Throne-Toppler Solar Eclipse

On February 5, 2000 (8:03 am EST) a powerful Solar Eclipse will likely shake up the political landscape, clearing the way for politicians on the rise. Although this eclipse is partial, and only visible if you live on Antarctica, it’s significance is extraordinary because it is nearly perfectly aligned with Uranus. Ronald Reagan’s astrologer Joan Quigley referred to Uranus as the “kingmaker and throne-toppler.”

The Solar Eclipse acts as a trigger or release of the dynamic, underlying tensions and pressures shown by the location of Uranus. Uranus is currently conspicuously positioned on the U.S. fourth house cusp, where it shakes, electrifies and awakens the nation. Quigley says that Uranus “has the power to raise an individual up to the very heights of prominence and power practically overnight or to cast him down to ignominy, obscurity, poverty, or disgrace.”

Last week when transiting Mercury (the messenger) breezed by the slower-moving Uranus, the national media featured a story that shook many Americans’ belief in the omniscient morality of the Founding Fathers. The keepers of Thomas Jefferson’s plantation Monticello announced that he probably fathered at least one, and perhaps all six of his slave Sally Hemings’ six children.

Ronald Reagan’s Sun happens to be exactly in line with this Solar Eclipse-Uranus combination. GOP presidential hopefuls invoke his name and values when describing their own vision, but Reagan the person will likely be fading fast under this Solar Eclipse.

Bradley, McCain, and Barak

The most obvious place where the Solar Eclipse will have an immediate political impact is on the Presidential 2000 contest. The New Hampshire primary results will be in, when the kingmaker and throne-toppler effect should be evident.

Last week Bill Bradley reported yet another debilitating episode of heart fibrillation, and as described in previous NewsScope columns, this health condition will probably be his undoing. Bradley has been urged by supporters to be more aggressive. Mars, the planet describing one’s political competitiveness, is under stress from transiting Saturn. Then, the Solar Eclipse lands right on his South Node, which could spell the end of his campaign.

Meanwhile, John McCain is capturing the hearts and minds of independent voters, both within the GOP and the important swing votes positioned between the two major parties. Why is he doing so well? Transiting Pluto is now trine his Leo Mars, empowering his political style of directness and honesty, and enhancing his reputation as a genuine war hero. McCain’s connections with the U.S. horoscope mark him as an popular reformer (his progressed Sun conjunct the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, natal Moon conjunct the U.S. Pluto, the chart ruler), making him the candidate to watch.

Ehud Barak (b. February 12, 1942), Israel’s Prime Minister, has his Mars in virtually the same zodiacal address as Bill Bradley. At the moment Barak is under attack for campaign abuses. Israel’s horoscope shows a 10th house Saturn being targeted by transiting Uranus and the Solar Eclipse, reflecting a severe crisis of authority.

The Seventeenth Karmapa Flees to India

Last week the Dalai Lama wrote to the President of India requesting that the 17th Karmapa, a 14 year-old spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists, be allowed to stay with him to pursue his religious studies. The 17th Karmapa is the highest ranking lama recognized by China, but the boy created a political firestorm when he fled Tibet earlier in the month. His arduous 875 miles journey across the snowbound Himalayas led to the Dalai Lama’s government-in-exile stationed in Dharamsala, India.

The 17th Karmapa was named Orgyen Trinley Dorje when he was born on June 26, 1985 (in the eastern Tibet region of Lhathok, just before sunrise*). With his Sun in compassionate Cancer trine the profoundly serious and charismatic Pluto in Scorpio, the 17th Karmapa must inspire deep respect as a reincarnated, spiritual leader. The Sun is conjunct a gracious Ceres, and made all the more sensitive and spiritually aware by the opposition to Neptune.

One of the most favorable placements in the Karmapa’s horoscope is his Jupiter in Aquarius. Jupiter here represents freedom of religion, and the right of self-determination for every individual. This Jupiter is given tremendous good fortune and luck by sextiling Uranus in Sagittarius, which expresses very similar qualities. These two planets are said to be in Mutual Reception because they reside in each others’ signs where they synergistically strengthen and support each other.

The Solar Eclipse on February 5 takes place right on the Karmapa’s Jupiter. He should at that time get whatever he wishes. He will likely be granted political asylum in India, and some believe he will opt for the United States.

* see for the latest news and biographical essays. Many NewsScope topics are suggested by readers.

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