Past Issues

NewsScope for January 24, 2000
by WolfStar

Neptune Narrows the Field

Until Iowa aggressively moved it’s caucus to January 24, New Hampshire had traditionally been the first state in the union to sort through the various issues and presidential candidates. No candidate can expect to do well without a solid showing in New Hampshire, a state where the citizens take it as their civic duty to see what the hopefuls look and feel like.

Astrologically, getting a feel for candidates, or sensing the validity of their political agenda comes under the realm of Neptune. Neptune is our intuitive faculty, and like a tuning fork it resonates harmoniously with the favorites, or remains coldly unmoved toward those who aren’t exciting enough. Neptune’s mission is to narrow the field by sorting through the false promises, deceptions, unrealistic idealism, and vision for the future.

New Hampshire as one of the thirteen original states officially entered the union on June 21, 1788 (set chart for Concord at 1:41 pm EST*). The Ascendant in either a personal or political horoscope corresponds to the entity’s style or identity, and how it meets or interfaces with the rest of the world. New Hampshire’s horoscope has Neptune prominently placed near the Ascendant, thereby cosmically favoring the state to shape the presidential field before any other state gets to make a selection.

Among all the 50 states, only one other has Neptune conjunct the Ascendant. Predictably, that state is Iowa which entered the union on December 28, 1846 (10:03 am CST; Iowa City). Both New Hampshire and Iowa have Neptune harmoniously linked to Pluto, indicating that their nebulous, touchy-feely assessments have genuine political consequences.

Uranus Enters U.S. Fourth House

Buoyed by a vibrant economy and hypnotized by the internet revolution, the American people are now experiencing electrifying Uranus entering the U.S. fourth house, the sector governing domestic affairs. Historically, this combination has brought severely upsetting events, and while the new technologies and the frenetic pace of change is disruptive to many, the sense of excitement is palpable.

Still, Uranus crossing the fourth house cusp has brought it’s usual crises to the home front. Last week “60 Minutes” broadcast a story on MTBE, a diabolical chemical additive to gasoline which is poisoning the nation’s water supply via underground storage leaks. All 50 states have now reported significant contamination, and the problem is expected to be the biggest environmental catastrophe over the next decade.

Meanwhile, census officials began counting and categorizing the American population. Latino Americans are expected to make the biggest gains in population, and within five years will outnumber African Americans. The political consequences of this are already apparent, with the top presidential candidates openly pandering in Spanish.

In the quest to enumerate and discover who we are, grandparents have suddenly become important. Grandparents are now the largest cohort entering cyberspace, as they design family web pages and email their grand-kids. One of the top stories last week was about the visiting grandparents of Cuban refugee Elian Gonzalez, who touched the hearts of many Americans. The growing Latino population will most certainly restore family values to the domestic scene.

Michael J. Fox Quits Spin City

Last week’s dynamic Lunar Eclipse felled top-ranking politicians, military leaders, and celebrities across the Global Village including the President of Ecuador, a senior Russian general, former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey, and possibly Bill Bradley. In Hollywood, Spin City star Michael J. Fox announced he was quitting the show to engage in a full-time fight against Parkinson’s Disease.

Michael J. Fox was born a silver-tongued Gemini (June 9, 1961; 12:15 am; Edmonton, CAN) with his Sun in the fourth house of family. Fox’s roles have generally included a cast of characters loosely assembled around the family relationships beginning with “Family Ties” in the 1980s. The current Spin City cast reflects his Aquarius Ascendant which is comfortable creating family-styled relations with a circle of friends.

The key astrological component of last week’s Eclipse was Mars squaring a Chiron-Pluto conjunction. At the time of his announcement, Chiron, the centaur associated with incomprehensible wounding, was right on his Midheaven. Parkinson’s Disease was not only hurting his career, but also robbing him of time with his personal family.

Asteroid lovers will note that Vesta was part of this Mars-Chiron-Pluto configuration. Vesta describes where we can focus or dedicate our energies. When Vesta is prominent, the course of action takes on a missionary quality, a zealousness akin to religious devotion. As Vesta aligned with Chiron and Pluto on Fox’s Midheaven, it was only natural that he decided to donate his reputation to combating Parkinson’s Disease.

* The new Hampshire State Historical Society says around 2 pm, but this time has been rectified by Marc Penfield to 1:41 pm. See his “Horoscopes of the Western Hemisphere” for all 50 state horoscopes, plus an analysis of the Scorpio Rising USA horoscope.

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