Past Issues

NewsScope for January 10, 2000
by WolfStar

Mars and Pluto Generate Intense Rivalry

With the opening round of primaries less than three weeks away, the presidential contenders escalated the rhetoric and personal attacks last week during the nationally televised debates. Front-running Democrats Bradley and Gore and GOP candidates Bush and McCain all took major verbal assaults, but they gave as good as they got.

The intensification of the debates arrives as competitive Mars begins forming a square with ruthless Pluto. In political astrology the dynamic combination of Mars and Pluto often leads to a life and death struggle, and by the time these two are exactly square on January 19 the sophisticated presidential hopefuls may resemble brawling bullies in a playground fight.

The impact of this Mars-Pluto vibe is already being felt across the Global Village. Pluto is in religious Sagittarius, and wherever competing world religions interface, trouble is looming. Indonesia is currently being splintered between its Muslim and Christian populations, India and Pakistan are likewise heating up along the lines of their Muslim and Hindu factions. Similar situations can be observed now in Chechnya, Sri Lanka, Egypt, and Tibet.

Mars and Pluto form a hard aspect about every six months, but what is making this particular alignment most severe is the presence of Chiron next to Pluto. All confrontations arise from deep resentment, feelings of injustice, and need for revenge. Meanwhile, in Washington Middle East negotiators are working on a Golan Heights first draft plan. Consider it a good omen if Israeli and Syrian diplomats don't leave in a huff under this cosmic pressure.

Uranus Upsets NASDAQ, Cuba, and Health

When Uranus transits through the middle degrees of Leo and Aquarius the world seems to go through wild upheavals. Uranus is now in mid-Aquarius where it hits vital points in many key political horoscopes. Last week major news stories featured a roller coaster stock market, mass demonstrations in Miami for Elian Gonzalez, and an unusually harsh flu epidemic.

Cuba's current regime came to power on January 1, 1959 which is exactly half a Uranus cycle ago. Castro's Cuba has always been a thorn in the U.S. side, but now the ideological polarization centers on the future of a six year old refugee. A last minute congressional subpoena reversed an INS decree that he return to Cuba, assuring that Elian remains a political football through February 10.

As transiting Uranus opposed Uranus from the NYSE (May 17, 1792) last week, the Dow and Nasdaq both experienced wild rides. The NASDAQ, made up mostly of high tech stocks, finally fell off its frenetic upward pace, bringing relief from those worried of a bubble. But the NASDAQ quickly recovered by Friday as the Dow reached a new high. Financial astrologers know that Uranus brings extreme volatility, and they were expecting these unexpected tremors and rebounds.

All across the American domestic scene hospitals were reporting record numbers of flu cases in the emergency wards. The 84 year Uranus cycle here is disturbing. Exactly 84 years ago when Uranus was last in this degree zone (and entering the U.S. fourth house) the U.S. and the world experienced the worst flu epidemic in modern history.

Turner and Fonda Separate

Last week CNN founder Ted Turner and fitness guru Jane Fonda announced they were separating, but that they remain committed to the long-term success of their marriage. The high powered couple ranks among the wealthiest of America's aristocracy, both having found independent success in the entertainment and media fields.

Ted Turner (November 18, 1938; 8:50 am; Cincinnati, OH) was born with the ruler of his chart, Jupiter, in the third house of communications. This Jupiter is aligned with the U.S. Moon, giving him keen insights into the public mood, especially for what works in broadcasting. His Sun is conjunct lusty Venus in Scorpio, and in the secretive twelfth house, astrologically confirming that he tends toward hidden love affairs.

Jane Fonda (December 21, 1937; 9:14 am; Manhattan, NY) was born with powerful Pluto in the seventh house of partners. She and Turner married on her birthday in 1991 when transiting Pluto had arrived at her Midheaven, signifying the most important partnership deal of her life. Turner's Sun aligns with her Juno, the marriage asteroid, and Fonda's Sun aligns with his Juno. This is one of the most favorable combinations for a committed relationship.

Did she sign a pre-nuptial agreement? Mercury in her twelfth house describes secret contracts, which was activated on the day of her marriage by self-sacrificing Neptune. She likely did agree at that time to a limited settlement (rumored to be a paltry $10 million) should they ever divorce.

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