December 29, 1997

Public and Mindbody Health

As 1998 begins health issues are the top stories across the nation. President Clinton announced Medicare reforms will make cancer screenings less expensive for 39 million Americans. The Bird Flu is coming, as is more money for meat inspection.

Now, with Saturn moving forward in the U.S. sixth house of health, tobacco lobbyists are preparing to make a blanket deal with Congress. The alternative is to watch $1.50/pack taxes added on, and losing $mega-million lawsuits state after state like a row of dominoes.

Meanwhile, as Americans prepare to make their 1998 resolutions, Chiron, the planet bringing mindbody awareness, is an active celestial force in the U.S. horoscope. Throughout 1998 Chiron will be in America's first house and closely connecting to the Midheaven (16 degrees Leo in the Scorpio Rising chart*).

Chiron is especially strong during the first month of January, indicating a growing holistic health consciousness. Chiron squaring the U.S. Midheaven over the next ten days should raise the profile of celebrity healers such as Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopra.

Saturn passing through the sixth house has brought much trouble to mainstream medicine. The latest embarrasment was the admission by the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine that printed a conflict-of-interest book review. The book in question was condemned for claiming that chemicals in the environment are responsible for an epidemic of cancers, but the reviewer is the medical director of W.R. Grace, a leading environmental polluter.

Signposts to the Millennium: #7
USA Progressed Sun Conjunct Moon

The progressed horoscope is one of the most important tools in the astrologer's forecasting kit. Based on the formula that one day after birth is equivalent to one year, the progressed chart reveals on a symbolic timescale the key developmental areas during specific intervals, unfolding like invisible fractals in our multi-dimensional, holistic universe.

In June 2000 the USA progressed Sun will be conjunct the Moon, an astrological event important enough to rank as the mystical Seventh Signpost to the Millennium. The Moon in political astrology represents the nation's people because of its receptive nature, reflecting the will of the politicians and reacting to the natural flow of events.

This progressed Sun delineates a pivotal year in our nation's evolutionary journey, and covers a phase lasting between January 2000 and September 2000. Coincidentally, this will be the most competitive interval of the next Presidential election campaign. The progressed Sun defines a nation's identity, and spotlights people and events with historical value.

Combinations of the progressed Sun and Moon in the past reveal spectacular events critical in shaping the nation's destiny. The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, and the Soviet launching of Sputnik in 1956 (as progressed Sun was sextile and octile the Moon, respectively) both galvanized the American national mood. We can look forward to a similar shape-shifting event to unify the American people with its political leaders in the year 2000.

Pierce Brosnan Returns as James Bond

In the seasonal glut of action movies, "Tomorrow Never Dies" weaves the standard James Bond archetypes for a predictable box office winner. Pierce Brosnan returns to play the master spy, as he tangles with an evil megalomaniac, disrobes several beautiful women, and negotiates through dangerous, exotic settings with the assistance of high-tech weaponry and vehicles.

The evolution of the Bond character becomes a fascinating astrological study showing remarkable consistencies and karmic connections. The strongest zodiacal link is the abundance of Gemini placements, with both Sean Connery (August 25, 1930) and Pierce Brosnan (May 16, 1953) demonstrating the quick- witted, fast-paced Mars in Gemini. Ian Fleming (May 28, 1908) had his Sun in Gemini, plus the super-spy aspect, a Mercury-Pluto conjunction in Gemini. Roger Moore's (October 14, 1927) restless Gemini Moon makes travel and the girl-in-every-port second nature.

The Bond women show up as Venus in the hero's chart. Again, strong parallels between the various actors and author can be found, with Venus-Uranus aspects the prevalent calling card. Sean Connery's Venus in Libra featured the glamorous model with the idealized Barbie doll measurements. With his Venus opposed to Uranus in Aries, his conquests were usually completed during high- tech action scenes, a dramatic device perfected by Ian Fleming, who likewise has the Venus-Uranus opposition.

Pierce Brosnan's Venus-Uranus is the flipside of Connery's. Brosnan's Venus is in Aries, and in "Tomorrow Never Dies" his significant other is the beloved Hong Kong action heroine, Michelle Yeoh. This Venus in Aries woman is a skilled martial artist, that is until the last scene where she inexplicably becomes a weakling so Bond can save her.

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