NewsScope for December 7, 1998
by WolfStar

Shuttle Off To Build Space Station

Last Friday at 3:35 a.m. the world's most elite construction crew blazed into orbit aboard space shuttle Endeavour to begin assembling the international space station. With that, the most massive construction project ever attempted in space had begun: the building of a one million-pound outpost 250 miles above Earth.

A horoscope drawn for this historic event shows the dominant astrological signature to be the ongoing Saturn-Neptune square which has been in effect for the last six months. Both these planets are in critical degrees: constructive Saturn is exactly squaring the U.S. Pluto, and visionary Neptune just entered the team player sign of Aquarius.

The U.S. Pluto is in Capricorn, the sign associated with building. Pluto in Capricorn is a powerful architect, and as the nation’s ruling planet*, the U.S. prides itself on its massive construction projects, whether they be in social engineering, communication and transportation systems, or the democratic principles that build sound government.

Now, as transiting Saturn activates the U.S. Pluto, the nation and its leaders gather to undertake the most important, transformative projects. From the impeachment hearings, to overhauling Social Security, to regulating monopolies, and to the Space Shuttle, the next two months are astrologically set for top priority issues.

Neptune’s entrance into Aquarius is another astrological hallmark, and the beginning of a 14 year transition. Neptune in Aquarius is awakening hope for a more perfect society, and in today’s global village has inspired 16 nations to work together on the Space Station project. Saturn and Neptune together, when on their best behavior, provide the image of a glittering future and the technical know-how to make it happen.

Saving Social Security

On Tuesday December 8 the White House opens a two day conference on reforming Social Security, kicking off what promises to be one of the biggest political fights of 1999. Everyone agrees that Social Security is headed for bankruptcy unless its financial structure is overhauled, but deep disagreement exists over how to fix the most popular and successful federal program ever created.

Astrologically, the ruler of caring for the disadvantaged, elderly, or poor is the asteroid Ceres, which in the U.S. horoscope is in compassionate Pisces. Ceres is beautifully networked in the U.S. horoscope*, being supported by beneficial links to abundant Jupiter and the Scorpio Ascendant, giving the country one of its most positive images on the world stage as a generous and caring nation.

The importance and relevance of the U.S. Ceres in the Social Security debate can be seen from the historical precedents: transiting Saturn was exactly conjunct Ceres on August 14, 1935 when Franklin Roosevelt signed the new act into law. Then the Social Security Act was revolutionized by the addition of Medicare, signed into law on July 30, 1964 when transiting Uranus was exactly opposite Ceres.

At the moment transiting Pluto is squaring the U.S. Ceres which gives an intensity and desire to totally reform the Social Security system. Pluto is also opposing the U.S. Uranus at the same time, the planet which governs personal independence and freedom of choice. This cross current describes one of the chief elements of the debate: allowing Americans to divert part of the S.S. payroll tax to make their own investment choices.

Sonia Gandhi Heads Resurgent Congress Party

An Italian-born Roman Catholic with no experience in government is a rising star in India’s political scene. Sonia Gandhi, widow of the assassinated former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, led the Congress Party to big wins in last week’s state elections, and is now poised to unseat the fragile BJP in March’s mid-term national elections.

Ms. Gandhi celebrates her 52 birthday this week (born December 9, 1946; 9:30 pm; Lusiana, Italy) with awesome political prospects. A magnificently charismatic Venus-Jupiter conjunction in her fourth house reflects how she inherited fame and wealth from India’s ruling dynasty. Transiting Pluto was conjunct her Venus when her husband was assassinated on May 21, 1991 and her progressed Midheaven was opposite her Mars.

Now Sonia’s progressed Midheaven is conjunct her Moon in motherly Cancer. India is comfortable with a maternal Prime Minister, as evidenced by the long reign of Indira Gandhi, Rajiv’s mother.

Transiting Saturn reaches Sonia’s Midheaven early next year, giving her the desire and responsibility to lead India. She will likely win since she is under extremely beneficial influences, with progressed Venus conjunct Mars giving her popularity, and progressed Sun trine Neptune which makes her ascension seem fated and spiritually correct for the devoutly religious Hindu nation.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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