NewsScope for November 30, 1998
by WolfStar

Pluto Launches Merger Mania

Last week a wave of megamergers and corporate buyouts were announced, leading off with America OnLine’s $4.2 billion purchase of Netscape and Deutsche Bank’s $9 billion offer on Bankers Trust. By week’s end oil giants Exxon and Mobil were actively discussing a proposed $160 billion deal which would create the world’s largest multinational corporation.

In political astrology the second house represents the nation’s wealth. Ever since Pluto entered Sagittarius in 1995 the U.S. stockmarkets have soared, rising some twenty percent annually and putting an extraordinary amount of surplus cash in corporate coffers. Pluto’s entry into Sagittarius corresponds to the U.S. second house in the Scorpio Rising U.S. horoscope.

As Pluto slowly passes through the second house, it makes dynamic links to other planets in the chart, especially the four planets in the U.S. eighth house of capitalism and high finance. The first of these four is Uranus, the planet governing technology and free enterprise. This combination of Uranus and Pluto leads to a revolution in corporate power.

Pluto in the U.S. second house* is about amassing and concentrating financial power, but when Pluto connects with Uranus, that financial clout is suddenly released (transformed) in the form of buyouts. The big fish eat the little fish. Watch on Monday or Tuesday for the really big deals to be announced, as the Sun activates this configuration by aligning with the U.S. Uranus and transiting Pluto.

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”

One of astrologers’ favorite and most reliable celestial warnings is to not sign any contracts or initiate new projects while Mercury is retrograde. Since the House Judiciary Committee is forming impeachment articles under this current cycle of Mercury Retrograde, one might logically conclude that nothing will come of this political process.

Last Friday Clinton issued his responses to the 81 questions posed by committee chairman Henry Hyde, questions which asked him to confirm or deny Starr’s allegations. All such legal documents are ruled by Mercury, but since Mercury is retrograde, the answers told us nothing new. Clinton responded 22 times with “I don’t remember,” a common affliction when Mercury is heading backwards.

Al Gore offered a similar lapse of memory when claiming he couldn’t recall any discussion of “hard money” when he solicited campaign contributions from the White House. Consequently, Attorney General Janet Reno declined to OK an Independent Prosecutor to investigate Gore’s fundraising practices, a development which now secures his candidacy for the 2000 Presidential campaign.

At this point, the most likely scandal scenario is that the Committee will advance a perjury claim against the President which will die around when Mercury turns direct (December 10-11) when the impeachment articles are dropped by the full House in favor of adopting some lesser offense.

Mercury Retrograde showed its influence in the volatile Iraqi situation. Saddam denied having a list of weapons which UN inspectors have seen before, but which mysteriously disappeared. The Exxon-Mobil deal announced under Mercury Retrograde indicates that it will probably be shot down by Anti-Trust regulators.

Pinochet Held for Crimes Against Humanity

Great Britain’s highest court rejected General Augusto Pinochet’s claim to immunity last Wednesday and now the former Chilean dictator awaits extradition to Spain where he faces charges of genocide and torture. Pinochet’s case represents a breakthrough in international law and human rights covenants for pursuing people across national borders for crimes against humanity.

Pinochet was born one Uranus cycle ago on November 25, 1915. His adventurous Sagittarius Sun is given charisma and a good sense for the spirit of the times by being trine to Neptune, but then his dictatorial tendencies are shown by the exact inconjunction (150º) to Pluto. An edgy, nervous violent streak can be seen in the close square between Mercury in secretive Scorpio and peacock-proud Mars in Leo.

Pinochet came to power after the freely-elected socialist President Salvadore Allende was assassinated on September 11, 1973 (or committed suicide if you believe the military’s version). Over the years he built a healthy economy, but under a brutally repressive regime. The American involvement of the CIA and multinational corporations such as ITT and Anaconda mines is shown by Pinochet’s dictator planet Pluto, which conjoins the U.S. Venus in the 8th house of multinational corporations.

At the time of the coup, transiting Saturn was conjunct Pinochet’s Pluto (and the U.S. Venus). Pinochet’s alliance with the U.S. is further indicated by his Juno, the partnership asteroid, which is right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant. Again, at the time of the coup, transiting Mars was exactly opposite his Juno, and crossing the U.S. Descendant. Pinochet became the personification of American capitalist interests in Chile.

* For those political astrologers who advocate a Sagittarius or Gemini Rising U.S. horoscope, notice that a similar round of huge corporate deals and mergers occurred last March when Pluto turned retrograde in this same degree, that is when Pluto opposed the U.S. Uranus. These events are 2nd/8th house affairs, not 1st/7th. For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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