NewsScope for November 23, 1998
by WolfStar

Impeachment Hearings Proceed Under Retrograde Mercury

Last Friday Kenneth Starr’s ethics advisor Sam Dash resigned in protest over Starr’s strong advocacy of impeaching President Clinton. Dash, widely respected for his role in the Nixon impeachment hearings, said that Starr illegally went beyond his role of impartial investigator.

Dash’s change of heart occurred just as Mercury turned retrograde in the ethics sign of Sagittarius. Mercury turning retrograde happens three times a year, but is most significant when closely aspecting another planet. This retrograde phase begins as Mercury was forming a close square to Jupiter. This Jupiter in Pisces is highly judicial and moralistic, and as previously noted in NewsScope (September 14 column) is closely associated with the impeachment process.

Meanwhile Republican Congressional strategists are wrestling with strong negatives from the public. The new House Majority Leader Bob Livingston begins his tenure in January and would prefer to start with a clean slate, but the investigation could drag on indefinitely. The Judiciary Committee will likely vote for impeachment and then the vote goes to the House floor where its future is uncertain.

Over the next three weeks political leaders begin an intense effort to count votes for and against impeachment. Proceeding under Mercury retrograde means that none of the counts can be relied on until Mercury turns direct on December 10. Watch for intense pressure on the wavering and undecided Congressman during the week beginning November 30 when a confluence of celestial markers promise some intense lobbying efforts.

Remember the Alamo

On November 27 Neptune enters Aquarius where it will remain for the next 13 years. This extended phase, like the previous Neptune in Aquarius cycle 165 years ago, should be characterized a zealous belief in creating the perfect religion, economy, or homeland. The current Saturn-Neptune square is resonating with a Saturn-Neptune square of that long gone era, and is revealing that our sacred icons aren’t all they seem.

Saturn last formed a square to Neptune in Aquarius in 1836 during the infamous battle of the Alamo. Mexico’s 4,000 man army led by General Santa Anna defeated the Alamo’s 188-man force on March 6, 1836. On that day the legendary Davy Crocket went down swinging his rifle “Ol’ Betsy” like a baseball bat at the approaching Mexican soldiers. At least, that’s the Walt Disney version of the event.

A diary written during the Texas Revolution by a Mexican military officer indicates that Davy Crocket posed as an innocent bystander on March 6, a naturalist by profession who deserved to be released. But he was executed, according to the diary, and did not die in any heroic fashion.

Davy Crocket at the Alamo is in essence an icon wrapped inside an icon, and a significant part of the myth of how America became a nation. The diary of Jose Enrique de la Pena is up for auction now, and may fetch near $1 million. One prominent Texas historian suspects that “some right-wing nut case” will buy the diary and then “throw it in the fireplace” to preserve the sanctified version of history.

Sir Edmund Hillary Combines Vision and Endurance

Sir Edmund Hillary was in Washington D.C. last week to receive yet another award for leading the first successful ascent of Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak at 29,000 feet. While Washington is awash in political scandal, attributable to the ongoing Saturn-Neptune square, Hillary demonstrated how Saturn and Neptune can bring a positive achievement by combining vision (Neptune) and endurance (Saturn).

Sir Edmund Hillary was cosmically engineered with the Right Stuff from the beginning (born on July 20, 1919; 12:30 pm NZT; Papakura, NZ 37S04 174E57). His Cancer Sun is conjunct Jupiter, giving him a natural enthusiasm for life, and the grandiose feeling or security of divine protection. Then, his Mars-Pluto conjunction bestows immense resourcefulness, physical strength, and invincible willpower.

Sir Hillary’s chart is capped by an imaginative, dreamy Neptune in his career house. While this placement often leads to drifting and professional confusion, his assault attempt was preceded by a progressed Sun conjunct Saturn, a once-in-a-lifetime focus on some practical, grounding achievement.

Hillary’s Moon in pioneering Aries above all wants to be first, and this wish was fulfilled on May 29, 1953 when he reached the Everest Summit with his Sherpa guide Tenzig Norgay. At the time Saturn and Neptune were perfectly conjunct in the partnership sign of Libra. The astrological sign of success was also present with his progressed Jupiter conjunct the Midheaven.

Since then, Hillary has devoted his time and fame to building schools and other humanitarian projects in Nepal, thus fulfilling the more philanthropic side of his Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Cancer.

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